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Having EFI problems...(Engine surges and missing at idle)

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Well, I had taken switching to carbs a serious consideration, but I believe I'm going to try to cope with the EFI (considering I have a 78 parts car with many usable parts). Well, the whole reason around my frustration with EFI is how strange it has been acting....

Here's the story....

I have had the car for a month now. When I first got it back home, it ran fine... no surges, no cutting out, no missing... Only thing I really noticed is that it was set to idle higher and was running richer and I smelled fumes while decelling(only when the window was open). I idled it down to 1000RPM and it helped the gas consumption alot. About a week later, I had been making a run the Nissan dealership for some hoses I needed, and on my way home the damn thing just quit on me.... It cooled off and started back up and ran fine.... I was on my way home from work one night after that and it started surgeing and it quit on me....

The next day I test drove it again and it was still surgeing... I checked the wires (they were cheap and cracked), so given the situation, I took it upon myself to order NGK B6Es-11 plugs and NE61 wires. I replaced the AFM hoses and the car ran like a dream afterwards... the AFM hoses were rotted before and I thought that maybe that was the whole problem all along. I continued with the tune up... I got my plugs and wires and installed them to the appropriate gap.... I had the wrong firing order taken from a reference, it cranked and ran, but it sputterd and back fired.. .I thought the gap might be wrong so I gapped them to the max limit for my 280Z and they did the same thing... I found the right firing order and it fired up... I test drove it and it ran like hell at first, then it decided to surge just after 3000RPM.... I tracked it down to several things... incorrectly adjusted TPS... I tinkerd with it for several days and it still surged.... I bought a new ignition coil(the MSD blaster 2) and a new fuel filter... A buddy of mine was filldeing with the fuel filter and I told him not to take it off, we had to depressureize, he kept on and the

thing just exploded gas in his face, it was actually pretty funny (comic relief LOL)... well , since it was atuomatically depressurized for us, we installed the new filter.. its tight now with no leaks, a brown liquid poored out of it however (rusty tank?). The car still surges.... Another thought crossed my mind... Dizzy cap and rotor? perhaps when I had the firing order set wrong... the dizzy rotor (an old wore out one anys) could have pushed its limits and really decided not to function properly... This has been where my hunting has stoped, given the symptons and possible solutions, Ive come to these conclusions...

1. Particles from gas tank are the in the fuel pump and or injectors (requires some cleaning and fuel injection cleaner, and a cleaned and treated gas tank.)

2.Dizzy cap and rotor, old parts that are wore out...( I await them in the mail, both Bosch parts)

If you guys have any input whatsoever, It would be much apprecitated...


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