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when i bought my last spoiler wow back 14 years ago was a guy in sydney named Joe Grupe great bloke at the time he was selling a he called californa zed kit was the Jim cook racing rear whale tail (the one on my car but i cut 4" off the back of it) the front spoiler as shown above and on my car which i believe guy in Brisbane exoticars built and rear flared guards i believe these where also in the Jim cook racing style maybe thats where the name is coming from have seen someone in sydney think it was sick cars or something like that advertisng the kit on net site

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Thanks for the input guys but all i keep finding is this one spoiler in Australia? And its just not my taste at all, i guess im gonna have to get one made up as a custom job, theres just no variety in this country as far as front spoilers for classics go....

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The old style front spoilers are available, friends of mine bought a chin type recently. By 'old style' I mean the original racing types developed in the US for racing. Some of the modern US ones are sold in Oz from time to time, its a matter of contacting the various Z specialists here. Not the Z Car Workshop though.

I'm presently making up a mold so I can do a modern racing type spoiler for my Z with an intercooler. Don't even know at this stage if I'll ever be able to come up with a satisfactory product but I'm trying :)

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Yes ive seen the chin ones, i think i have emailed eveyplace in Australia who has even touched a Z spoiler at one time and ive come up with 2 diff chin spoilers, the exoticar spoielr and a ZG nose. Its been very disapointing so far, and its really hard to get in contact with the ppl who make them for a small circle of people and dont advertise it.

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Yes, they are the afore mentioned California Z front spoiler, and the BRE racing style spoiler respectively.

There's a South african guy up in Queensland that has made different types of spoilers, he was on here for a while.

Hang on a tick, doing a search for the posts about the ones he makes.....




BBALLS is the member name.

He has/makes these spoilers:

He makes a copy of the California Z front spoiler, as show above.

And an modified version of the Cal Z spoiler, this one, like the one Simon Degroot has:



Also makes a more subtle front spoiler:



$200 aussie dollars.



He makes all kind of other FG bits too. This guy should give me a commission :)

Anyway, check out his gallery for more pics http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?ppuser=3482

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