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I just wrote this tonight, hope you guys like it! It is just something showing my appreciation for the Z.. gotta love these boring nights...

Datsun Z

Can you see the road a turnin?

hear that engine churnin?

That ol vinal smells so good,

as I look over that long hood...

I throw it into 3rd and pull...

The engine's raging like a bull...

aint no sun in my eyes...

Now the road is mine...

In and out the curves I go...

This old car goes to show...

that oldschool is hard to beat,

on the strip and in the street...

2...40, 60, 80 we call em for short

these vehicles of class and sport...

they will always and forever be...

the one and only... Datsun Z!

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at least he has the balls to post something that personal. it sounds good. always have lovers and haters on stuff like that.

It's cool that he wrote it and that he likes it, but come on; balls to post it hasn't got anything to do with it. Charles Manson had balls too and posted his writing, but his was on walls (and in BLOOD!) and wasn't very good either.

Don't let any criticism stop you from writing. As long as you like it thats what matters (but just the same, some will like it and some will dislike it, so be prepared)

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I like it Jared. It was nice of you to share. It reminds me of how much passion I have for the S30. Whether people like the poem or not, most of us still share the same passion for the Z that you do, and that is why we are here.


p.s. It would have been cool if you said 240, 260, 280, Fairlady.. Hahaha, I am not saying you should change it as it is your work, just putting in my opinion. :)

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Well now Jared,

Don't let negative feedback worry you mate. Constructive criticism helps you to improve. It's obvious that you wrote from the heart but lack experience.

I had over 20 years as an entertainer (now I'm just a has been that never really was ) and I reckon your poem is better than the wording of SOME songs that have made the hit parade.

The only criticism I'll make is that the last words of the final two lines do not rhyme. "BE" does not rhyme with "ZED". (Remember, I'm from Oz). ROFLROFL


:devious: :devious: :devious:

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