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You should only use the standard rotating fan clutch it is made for the rotation of your engine the other is made to go the opposite direction.or you

could go the electrical fan direction.I've used electrical fans on many Zs I

have found that dual 10in electric fans work well.


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Well I am actually in the process of rebuilding a chevy 250 v6 engine and was just wondering if a reverse fan clutch would work, I have already put 900.00 into the engine and dont have too much more money to play with, so I found a reverse rotating fan clutch on ebay for really cheap and was hoping it would work you know instead of paying 50.00 for the original. My zcar isnt running right now :disappoin , I have to get a new distributor for it and probably change the head gasket. I have to get the nova running for my family car. Shane

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Not to dispute what was said previously but just a curious question here! Aren't clutch type fans a hydraulicly coupled mechanism...similar to a torque converter? I could be off base here but don't you think these units will operate correctly if turned in either direction (CW or CCW excluding the fan blade itself)? Just curious! :ermm:

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Well I've never actually heard of a revearse rotating fan clutch for a Z.I was speaking in referance to a Z fan.Fan clutches are be made to run in one

direction or the other depending on engine direction,however they might work going the opposite way?,I think.[never tried it],a torque converter is designed to run in one direction[the direction of the engine]can't say if they will work going thr opposite way.as far as the 250 chevy v6 I have no clue.


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Wouldn't this mean that some engines run in opposite direction?

I smell a rat somewhere!

PS. I just looked at the clutch off a 260. It appears to run in either direction.

It's split in 2 right now, there is no arrow indiating which direction it should rotate in nor are there any vane, blades etc that would indicate that it should be operate din one direction only.

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