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My #6 plug has burnt liquid of some sort around the entry....

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I was checking out some antifreeze leaks on my 280Z and noticed this in the pic.... the #6 hole has some sort of burnt material around it, poillibly a leak of somesort, its not black but more of a brown color, the rest of the plug entrys are clean as a whistle... Could it be a dead cylinder (I do not know exsactly what the prerequisites are for this proplem)?

Any help would be highly appreciated... :D


its not black but more of a brown color, the rest of the plug entrys are clean as a whistle...

It's almost certainly oil which, as you know, can range from an almost clear honey color to virtually black depending on how fresh it is. I'd have to guess that the plug simply wasn't in tight enough and that there's not some catastrophic failure in that cylinder.

Oil. It's common for a bit of oil to collect there over time, especially if you coat new spark plug threads with oil like you should, when changing them. Also water, dirt, etc.

Unless ther is TONS of oil there, Clean it off and watch thee ngine over the next few days/weeks.

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