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280z (turbo engine swap) HELP..PLEASE

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Okay.. here is the deal, i just bought this car:


First some history on the car:

-1975 280zx N/A Shell and Chassis

-1983 280zxT (turbo) engine.. fully built, under 60K

-F54/p90 turbo engine-

-can go here for more info:http://www.g20.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31297-

It has the following issues that i want to take care of NOW:

*Turn signals do not work... they turn on with running lights, but do not blink (front lip is not stock)

*Reverse Lights do not work when put in Reverse (they are there just don't light up)

*SPEEDOMETER..AND TACH do not function.

These are main issues as of now, just for drivability issues. i have been searching on the net for more Z forums, so i can find more information, but nothing has been helping, and I need the car to be GOOD to run shortly so i can drive it around looking for jobs (not fun driving without blinkers or reverse light, or knowing how fast you are going).


1- speedometer issue is I THINK, due to the fact the engine is out of a different aged car and because of this the wiring is not the same... but is there anyway to WIRE up the speedometer and/or tach to work? Would it be easier to just find a 1983ish turbo Z at a junkyard with the speedometer wires in tact? where would they run?

2- Tachometer not working is not a huge issue... I do have an aftermarket one laying around, anyone know wher ei can get a wiring diagram on how to hook it up to my engine?

3- How about the blinkers.. it appears after doing some research the front bumper/lip is NOT from this car originally, so would i need to figure out how to make those blink.. or just try n find the grill mounted blinkers the older Z's had on them already??

4- Finally... how about the Reverse? is it hooked up to the transmission or just somewhere in the center console somewhere??? Please let me know...

PS Anyone know any good shops in CALI? perferably LA area... So i can ask them to fix other issues (like the heater).

Thanks sooooo much for ANY input, anything puts me a step closer to finishing.

Thanks again,


Okay... sorry this is pasted from 2 other forums i'm trying to get info off of. I have since figured out a few things, nothing has been fixed yet, in fact, my windshield wipers STOPPED working on me (bad 'cause its starting to rain in So. Cal) and my headlights wouldn't turn off, i then cut a few wires, then when trying to reconnect using a switch, one of them burned so hot it melted the plastic cover and caught my pant leg on fire a tad (no harm done).

Contact info:

E-mail: rsivan86@hotmail.com


Yahoo!: Aniyafe777



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First and foremost buy a Factory Service Manual for the chassis you have-NOT a Chiltons/Haynes/Clymer, but a genuine Datsun/Nissan FSM.

That said.

The reverse lights are actuated by a switch on the tranny, should be the only electrical connections on the tranny-unless it is an auto and a very rare version with a lock-up torque converter.

Speedo is mechanical, probably not hooked up, when you get it hooked up, if the speed is wrong, you need to change the drive gear-very easy, just usually very dirty!

A new cable from VB or MSA is inexpensive-the grear(if you end up needing it) will have to come from the dealer, but again is not very expensive.

For the lights, you have a wiring issue that could be simply a bad combination switch, or a hack job done by a PO. I would verify/replace the switch, then get the wiring diagram and verify it. If the harness is hacked up, replace it to avoid future problems, and to maintain the ability to use the FSM trouble shooting guide.

Going through the archives here will allow you to find tach hookup info.


First and foremost buy a Factory Service Manual for the chassis you have-NOT a Chiltons/Haynes/Clymer, but a genuine Datsun/Nissan FSM.

That said.

The reverse lights are actuated by a switch on the tranny, should be the only electrical connections on the tranny-unless it is an auto and a very rare version with a lock-up torque converter.

Speedo is mechanical, probably not hooked up, when you get it hooked up, if the speed is wrong, you need to change the drive gear-very easy, just usually very dirty!

A new cable from VB or MSA is inexpensive-the grear(if you end up needing it) will have to come from the dealer, but again is not very expensive.

For the lights, you have a wiring issue that could be simply a bad combination switch, or a hack job done by a PO. I would verify/replace the switch, then get the wiring diagram and verify it. If the harness is hacked up, replace it to avoid future problems, and to maintain the ability to use the FSM trouble shooting guide.

Going through the archives here will allow you to find tach hookup info.


Yea, after doing some reading n researching i figured out about the speedo cable, so I sitll have to check that out, along with the reverse lights, the Trany is from a newer NA, and while at a junkyard I noticed that there was a Sensor of some sort coming out of the tranny.. would that be the reverse light?

That would be the one!


muchas gracias, when i get back from a short vacation home I will come back and check that out.. i found out some more things to check out.. the hazard and blinker flashers which are under the steering wheel.... have to check those, didn't know their exact location till i read it on zcar.

I see an FSM in your future....it shows where everything is, what to do with it, and how to troubleshoot it, all without waiting-not that I am not happy to help, just that having a printed expert when you are elbow deep in a wiring harness sure beats having to let go of the wire you just found to go make a post!


I see an FSM in your future....it shows where everything is, what to do with it, and how to troubleshoot it, all without waiting-not that I am not happy to help, just that having a printed expert when you are elbow deep in a wiring harness sure beats having to let go of the wire you just found to go make a post!


I have 1 chilton manual and 1 haynes manual already(both for the 75), prolly get a FSM soon though.

the problem for me buying these things is that I need to get 1 for the 1975 and 1 for the 1983 (for engine work).

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