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I'm getting ready to pull the motor/tranny from my 72 and need some help. When mounting the engine to a stand I should use the threads which currently hold the bell housing to the block...... correct? Anyone know the size on these bolts without removing one and measuring?

I also realize I'll need some good size, high-grade washers. I plan to measure the stand "arm" depth + depth of the bell housing threads + washer thickness to get a good length bolt.

Anything I'm missing? I've got all the manuals and they say simply "use bolts", duh! :stupid:

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If you read the below attached thread ALL THE WAT THROUGH (2 pages), I believe that you will find all of the info that you need.


The "search" engine is your friend.

I just checked the ones I used and mine are 3 3/4'' long and 10mm X 1.5 and are hardness 10.9 . There is a member ,Phred , that makes a VARY COOL adapter that allows you to bolt the engine to the engine stand from the side, this allows you access to the end of the engine. It is so ballanced that it is easy to turn the block to either end up or the engine upside down with ease. I dident have one of the adapters but whish I had. In any event be sure to use hardened bolts especially if bolting to the end of the engine so that you don't shear off the bolts and drop the block. On my Harbor Freight engine stand it has tubes that the bolts pass through this is the reason for the long bolts. I used a stack of common washers on them so that the bolts dident bottom out in the block. Gary


Is anyone using the bolt holes on the side of the block to mount the engine to a stand. If so which side are you mounting to and which holes are you using. I don't like how the block just hangs out like that with no support on the other end.


it does look sort of spooky hanging out there. If I remember correctly phred made a plate that bolts to the side where the air pump does but the stand is in the center of the block so that nither end of the engine is farther from the stand I have a couple of pictures . I need to dig them up . Send phred a pm he may have drawings . Gary Yah it bolts to the side of the engine where the air pump does in four places , and as I said it positions the stand in the center , so the block is ballanced. He made his own stand as well . You should see the exhaust systime ! He is an artest with a torch.

  • 1 month later...


I just finished building/modifying my engine stand to bolt on to the side of the block. I used a 1/2" mild steel plate and 6 mounting points on the drivers side of the block. turned out pretty good, and looks very sturdy. Here are some pics, there really crappy, because I'm still trying to figure out all the options on this camera. gives you an idea anyway






  • 1 month later...


This is just an update, I have taken better pictures of the stand and engine.

So what do you guys think.

BTW. Can anyone guess the original application of the oil cap?


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH now I cant upload them :tapemouth

their in my gallery you can check them out there. I will figure this uploading thing out eventually.

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