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Got the thing to crank and start up with some gas-in-a-can. but it won't sustain itself so thinking it's the fuel pump. Where is this thing located?

This is my first Z. It's been sitting at my cousins farm for about 6 months. now there's a bunch of snow around it. Trying to decide if I can fix it at where it is or if I need to tow it home (abut 25 miles away)

Thanks in advance.


Forgot to mention it's a '72 240Z.

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if its a mechanical fuel pump then i believe it would be on the passenger side of the engine up towards the part farthest from the firewall attached the cylinder head. my 260 has an electric fuel pump and is located at the rear of the car between my differential and my gas tank. good luck!

Got the thing to crank and start up with some gas-in-a-can. but it won't sustain itself so thinking it's the fuel pump. Where is this thing located?

On the front right hand side of the engine. On a 240Z it's mechanical, not electric.

I too just got a 240 a few weeks ago and mine would turn over but not start. What you want to do is pull the fuel lines off of the carbs, and check to see if they are getting fuel. be careful because if they are like mine the lines were old and brittle and will fall apart in your hands, they should be replaced. another important thing is cleant the battery cables good, and get new spark plugs or at lease on a pinch clean them good. this should help. if there is no fuel getting to the carbs then check the pump, could just be its bad fuel or the carbs need rebuild as in the case of mine!

pm me if you need more help.

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