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Faithfull brotherhood of all that is Z, guid me in my moment of temptation!

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:( Hi all,

Please hear my plea for guidance for I have sinned. I have tasted the fruit of of higher horsepower and lusted after that which is new and non-z. I'm ashamed to admit that my eyes and heart have gazed longingly upon the creation of Dodge. Yea, she is known as the SRT-4 (though she be "only a Neon", she's one fast hot-handling Neon) and she has stirred feelings in me that I knew not I possesd. I know the faithful, will look down on me with scorn and cry "Tis' only a Neon!", "She looks of rice and and posses not the classic lines of beauty.", "Will she still stir thy loins a decade from now?", etc, etc.....

Dear brothers and sisters, it is yet worse than I have hinted to thus far. You may recall my fair maiden '72 240Z that I took as my own some two years ago. Yes, she is the lovely lass you see in my profile. I've.....I've....umm...sob, sniff.....I've Ebayed her! Whoa is me, what a pitiful wrench I am.

I meant only to Ebay her as a mental exercise. A fishing of the waters to test her desirability in the eyes of others. I promised I would protect her by placing a suitably high "reserve" that no sane person would dare approach. A "Buy it now" price that only the lunatic would court. I so, was blinded by the lust of the new trullop that I was at first pleasently surprised at how quickly the bidding rose. Soon, however, and especially now, with a current bid of $10,300, I've become sickened with guilt and coming to the realization that my "taken for granted maiden" may slip from my hands never to return.

Why, why I have I allowed myself to be put in this deplorable position?

I still have not finished describing the depths of my sacralistic subversion. Yes it's even worse......It was not a forth night before the auction inception that SWMBO, granted upon my wicked heart the option to either buy the temptress trollop or infuse my fair maiden with golden trickets, to the tune of 10K or so. I token to be bestowed upon her such that a Rebello engine rebuild (2.8 stroker kit with original block and head; 200+HP and 200 lbs of torque.) might fire her heart and new paint may dance upon her skin so that all could see her true beauty as it should be.

As the auction draws near tomorrow night I'm faced with the dilema, THE CHOICE, casting of the di that will forever change my companionship. I still have the time to make a choice but, I know not what to do.

Please brothers and sisters, speak unto me. Give me guidance for I can't lead myself in this hour of confusion. WHAT SHOULD THIS PATHETIC PERSON DO?????!!!!!

Best Regards,

Landmizzle '72 240Z :cry:

The only solution is to take your Z off ebay and GIVE it to me.

The Z must go to someone who will properly appreciate her, and you must be punished for your blasphomeous ways-no financial renumeration for your transgressions.


If you are starting to get cold feet, you could exercise your option to call it off.

Per your ebay description, "I do reserve the right to end this auction at anytime."

Or you could be like me and just get the other vehicle you lust over and increase the size of your stable :laugh:


What decision has he made?

I think your making a mistake myself. You'll always remember the Z the Neon you'll be over in 2 months when you see some young brat driving one with lots of bling bling on and the music ripped to some trance song you've never heard and probably gives everyone around a seizure.

Remember a Z makes you different otherwise you just end up like another number in the crowd. If your not willing to modify her because you think you should keep it original then you are facing a dilemna that I face. However I'm going to make sure every modification i do is with a certain degree of period correctness and above all easily reversed. Yes I am thinking of things like white guages and bolt on JDM flares and fender mirrors i mean why not? :)

So think about it and if you have cold feet then I'd say it's a clear indication you've changed your mind even if you have managed to convince yourself your making the right decision deep down you know it's not.


Well written Steve.

However, since you felt the need to ask the opinions of fellow Zed fanatics, perhaps you have already subconciously rejected the thought of selling that drop dead gorgeous vision of absolute beauty that graces your avatar.


If you cast your imagination 30 years into the future, how many Neons would you expect to find still on the road ????????

Mate, Zeds are forever.


:devious: :devious:

I see you ended it early...bravo! If it ran its natural course, you would have most likely gotten your reserve and more.

I noticed the high bidder on your car has been willing to spend at least 14K for a 240Z. I recall the bidder was in the hunt when Burt's silver '71 went on the block a few months ago.

It is good to have you back Brother! I was hoping the clodness of my post would shock your system into the realization that your Z would be gone, and the money would follow it quickly!

Now that you have regained your sences, and Carl has conveyed the wisdom you needed to clear your head of all things NEON, enjoy your Z, look at other cars as what to drive to keep your Z out of harms way-and not what to drive instead of the Z. Relish in the knowledge that STR-4 stands for Soon To Reclaimer-for the fourth time (just like the late 80s Chargers, and som many other forgettable cars in the same place in the GM lineup) Something will always get glossier paint, more HP, a louder sterio-just as long as we are willing to spend more money on it, but more is not always better-there is so muuch more rice built in to the American NEON than the Japanese 240Z can with. Don't buy the marketing hype, drive the Z!


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