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Faithfull brotherhood of all that is Z, guid me in my moment of temptation!

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Hi all,

While my post was somewhat stylized it only hinted at the true indecision and vasilation I endured during the last month or so.

I want to thank everyone that took the time to post their support, surprise, disgust, and various other flavors of responses.

It's funny how we allow ourselves to create our own problems and then frett and sweat over "tough" decisions that have to be made.

As you probably know by now, I cancelled the auction and have decided to keep my fair maiden Z. She seems happy with the decision and I'm finally at peace.

Funny how the closure finally occured. After I'd posted here and a few people replied, I went outside and just reflected for a moment. I considered all the rationalizations, logical and otherwise, lust, and arguements pro/con that I had tossed through my head the last month. The last month.....a full month....Bzzzzt twap....The spark jumped the gap and it all made perfect sense!

I had volutarily put myself in this predicament and then stressed-out on making the right "choice" for me. If I was still not at ease after a month of consideration, perhaps it was time to pull myself out of the situation so that I wouldn't have to face a "choice".

Again, funny how we build our own hurdles.

Brothers and Sisters, the lost one has found his way and has returned! My little Z is about to get some pampering and attention that she justly deserves.

The SRT-4? Oh I still think it's a hot little number that most people will miss-out on because "it's just a Neon". I'll just contine to drive and pamper the Z. Maybe in a few years, when the 2003-2005 SRT-4 are worth about 1/4 of their original MSRP's I'll pick one up. Maybe then I'll retire my Z to a garage queen. Then again maybe not........

Thanks again folks,

Lanmizzle '72 240

Steve: I think that you made the right decision.

(now say a few prayers for pennance) :D

I could care less if the Neon is a safe car or not, I was just having fun. I do realize the old Z's are not very crash worthy and a new neon is far safer. But I will take the risk daily because I love my Z.

I could care less if the Neon is a safe car or not, I was just having fun. I do realize the old Z's are not very crash worthy and a new neon is far safer. But I will take the risk daily because I love my Z.

I think most (maybe not all) of us feel that way, and are aware of the relative lack of safety built into the Z car compared to modern cars.

Cheat like the rest of us. Click Quote on any of the messages, once in the reply form, click into the message body, press Ctrl-A, Delete, and start typing.


But if he does that, it's the same as clicking the "Post Reply" button. Only more steps to it.

I took him to mean that he should have referred (by quoting) to the post that he was responding to

But if he does that, it's the same as clicking the "Post Reply" button. Only more steps to it.

Except that the "Post Reply" button is all the way to the bottom of the "page" and you have to page / scroll down to get to it. By keying on "Quote" it then takes you to the same message page.

More steps? Yes, but instead of scrolling down to FIND the button, it's right there at the bottom of the post you are reading. The Ctrl-A, is a small keystroke to pay, and the very next keystroke, whether the Delete button or the first letter of what I type, will delete the previous and highlighted text.

I'm just lazy.


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