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Your head must hurt. Try a wet noodle next time.

Pep Boys sucks and I would never buy anything from a store that is total bling. Besides, there isn't one within 100 miles of me.

AutoZone had some information, but none of the 'OEM numbers' listed matched what was on the injector, which were hard to read in the first place.

The following word file will probably help you out some. Have also compiled several web links if you want to have some of your old and nasty looking fuel injectors "Refurbished/Rebuilt" at one of the places listed. If interested PM me and I'll send them to you.


Fuel Injector Info.doc

Thanks webdawg1

That photo seems familiar, but I don't remember where I saw it before.

My injectors don't have the #1 in the pic (Injector lower rubber insulator). Instead, a plastic 'cap.' I will dig them out maybe Saturday, and I can post a pic if you want to see one; assuming I get one out intact.


A little off topic trivia: BAP-GEON=British Auto Parts-GEorge Owen Automotive as explained to me by a friend of mine that worked at the one in West Covina, CA a few years ago. But back to the original question, would MSA or VB have the info you seek?


Thanks for the attachment; great info.

The following word file will probably help you out some. Have also compiled several web links if you want to have some of your old and nasty looking fuel injectors "Refurbished/Rebuilt" at one of the places listed. If interested PM me and I'll send them to you.


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