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Chin Up Bill,

I just did my traffic (Laugh & Learn) school Sat. from 8:30 - 4:30 @ $25.00,

Bail amount I paid was $124.00. 75MPH in a 65MPH on the 10FWY. I only sped to pass a gravel truck dropping gravel then back to 65MPH at 5:30AM, "but you're right officer I was speeding!"


In many area's you can do your traffic school on the internet, and believe me, that is the way to go.

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In the Fontana District you still have to go to a location to take a final test after you do the online time. So I thought I would go and do all the time & test at once and get it over with.

In our district there is a Judge that will reduce the bail or fine amount if you go to court and ask. He is quite popular. Reductions from $300-$400 tickets, down to $88-$125. You just gotta look nice, show respect and ask. That's not much to do to reduce you fines. You might look into this in your area Bill. Make a couple phone calls to the traffic courts to find out?

Good Luck.


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...snip...i was just venting a little

I knew that.

In talking with a couple of friends who are police officers, one of the common threads is how people hate to be addressed by them, yet welcome them when they're in trouble.

Unfortunately they don't get a hundredth of the amount of thanks they should receive.

I make it a point to personally thank any police, sheriff, fireman, and ambulance personnel I run into. They get to see the underside of civilization and aren't appreciated for what they do.

A neighbor of mine was a Sheriff's Deputy, and whenever I'd see him leaving for work in his supervisor's cruiser (unmarked Grand Marquis), I'd bid him a good day by saying, "I hope you have an extremely BORING day!".

Remember that when a cop has a boring day, it means that nothing criminal went on.



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In the Fontana District you still have to go to a location to take a final test after you do the online time. So I thought I would go and do all the time & test at once and get it over with.

Interesting. Up here you don't have to do that. You take quizs as you study for the required amount of time (logged into the traffic school website), then take a test. If you fail, you take it over again until you pass.

I just logged in, watched TV etc instead of studying (they can't tell the difference), Printed the quizs and studied from there. Took the final test once and was done.

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You guys exceed the speed limit in your Datsuns?

That's against the law.

In a Suzuki I was going 85 in a 65 ...Beandip and Esc...it was the speed trap on I-84 going towards Hood River, between what would be 200th and 240th streets...there is always a cop hiding there....was going out to meet my new girlfriend at the time, heh. Don't exceed the speed limit 3 miles before the wood village exit...you will get nailed just about every time, except rush hour.

It was a $225 ticket, reduced to $125 in Gresham by just showing up on my 'court date'...by pleading no contest, there was no court, the 'receptionist' just reduced it....

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Here in the Land Down Under there's been a lot of controversy regarding speed traps, speed guns and cameras.

One line of thought is that it is purely a revenue raiser and has little to do with reducing the road toll.

Seems to me that the most vocal are the lead footed petrol heads who purposely disregard speed zones and then whinge like buggery when they get caught.

Some months ago, a bloke who was interviewed on a current affairs program complained about receiving numerous letters from the police complete with photos of his car, the speed travelled and the fine to be paid. What showed him to be a complete, utter and total fool was that in each case it was the same camera that caught him.

I reckon the more speed traps the better. Excessive speed has no place on public roads. That's what race tracks are for.

I started driving at age 17, drove everything from bikes to buses, cars to truck and trailers for 17 years in the Army, I'm now 61 y.o.a. and never had a speeding ticket (because I'm careful not to speed). Can anyone beat that ???


:devious: :devious:

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Ok, let's all admit it.

At one time or another, somewhere or someplace, we've exceeded the speed limit.

Maybe by just a mile or two, or because of speedometer error (let's not forget THAT debacle), or ..., but on an ABSOLUTE scale, we've exceeded it.

If you've passed someone on a stretch of highway, you more than likely did. If you stepped on the gas at a yellow light, you almost asuredly did. When you finally drove out of the traffic clump and found clear highway ahead, you probably speed up, maybe not to the extent of shattering the speed limit, but surely encroaching upon it.

So as far as "wirgins", I don't think that not having had a ticket (sorry Rick), means you've never "speeded".

The difference is in getting caught.

But everyone seems to agree (hopefully) on one topic:

Excessive speed has no place on public roads.
emphasis mine.

It's the idiot who chooses to drive 20-30 miles/hour faster than the traffic he's driving through. The one that weaves in and out of all 3 lanes looking for that "pole" position. The one that swerves into your lane in front of you, and his curb-feelers nearly scratch your eyes out.

Those are the ones that, when seen, get stopped readily.

Sometimes, even though you're not doing the above, you get stopped. If you act dumb or stupid, they'll nail you. If you act responsible, many times they'll warn you and let you go.

But one thing is very important to remember.

If you get warned several times, because you "talked" your way out of it, the cops will eventually catch on (they DO talk amongst themselves) and the next time you'll get nailed hard.

So be careful out there. There are areas where you can "punch it" and get the kick out of the car, without endangering yourself and everyone else, and the likelihood of a ticket is small.

Also, remember WHERE the traps are, and don't ignore them.



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My speedo dont work LOL.

He didnt sitr me for not whereing seat belts. They are messed up to

Geez Bill, what next? A rag for a gas-cap? Or better yet, Duct Tape and plastic for a windshield? Or are you hoping to be the next example of "not wearing your seat belt" at the local Driver's Ed class?

There are old fools, and bold fools, but you rarely see an old bold fool.



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