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A neighbor of mine was a Sheriff's Deputy, and whenever I'd see him leaving for work in his supervisor's cruiser (unmarked Grand Marquis), I'd bid him a good day by saying, "I hope you have an extremely BORING day!". Remember that when a cop has a boring day, it means that nothing criminal went on.

I'm sure most cops DON'T want boring days and/or days when they give out traffic citations. Most of them live for the chase. Otherwise, why would they want to be a cop?

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I'm sure most cops DON'T want boring days and/or days when they give out traffic citations. Most of them live for the chase. Otherwise, why would they want to be a cop?

Got to agree with that, no question about it. (It's teachers that want boring days)

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What about your insurance premiums? I got a ticket once (1986) and my insurance went up some, but by the time it was back to 'normal, ' I figured I had pad the equivalent of the fine itself.

I have a couple friends that car cops, and they'll joke about speed tickets, but they'll also tell me that if they catch ME, I'll get cited just like anybody else. the same guys would do their best to protect you, too.

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Its a probationary ticket. It wont evan go on my record arcording to deputy dolittle

I only drive the car about twice ever feiw weeks and im replacing things as i can.

I guess its easy for you peaple with the huge bank acounts to go on and on about the poor guy

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I didn't know they had paved roads in Arkansas :hurt:

Yeh that sucks .... not necessarily the ticket but how stupid people, situations and bills come along to kick down your 2?0z sand castel! I have actually calculated financial models that included varibles like "if I get rid of the wife and kids I could get those headers now".....I had to go back to formula when I considered child support! Take a couple of these babies and you will be alright:


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I'm sure most cops DON'T want boring days and/or days when they give out traffic citations. Most of them live for the chase. Otherwise, why would they want to be a cop?

Well I did say my neighbor was a Supervisor, from that I figured you'd see that he wasn't a spring chicken. That's why to him a good day was one where you did NOT have to go for the "chase".

Danger is a thrill only when you are wired that way, to others when you get past the thrill, it's only danger and is something to avoid.

So whatever his original motivation for joining the police, after 20+ years, he just wanted to survive to retirement. Not that he would shun danger when it came at him, but he didn't go stir it up. For what it's worth, he'd always chuckle along with me.


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...I only drive the car about twice ever feiw weeks and im replacing things as i can.

I guess its easy for you peaple with the huge bank acounts to go on and on about the poor guy

Huge bank account? Nope, not here.

But to address the point you make about having to spend money, if you'll recall way back when you did NOT have a car, we all advised that it wasn't a car that would NOT require money to maintain. A 30+ year old car is going to require maintenance, TLC, and attention to the "little things". That means spending the money.

As far as replacing things, that's what you do, but not having seat belts and then speeding? Seems to me that you're spending more money and time zipping around and breaking things, and not addressing those safety items which will allow you to enjoy the car for a LONG time. Isn't this the 3rd or 4th incident with this car since you got it....less than 6 months ago? And you STILL don't have seat belts? What were you waiting for, a seat belt ticket at $200 a pop?

Just my 2¢


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Hey there Billy boy,

Mate, if you know someone with plenty of the green stuff, introduce me to him/her. I might be able to float a loan to augment my disability pension. ROFLLOL

It's easy for us mouldy oldies with the crinkly wrinklies to point out the mistakes that you youngsters make because we've probably made the same ones decades ago and know what the outcome can be.

Please don't take offence at the comments Bill. The older we wrinklies get, the more "Fatherly" we become. Looked at from that point of view Bill, you could say that you have half a dozen or so pseudo dads looking out for you.

Lucky you !!!!!!!! LOL

Looking at it from the other side of the coin, let's not turn it into a pick on Bill day huh ?????????. Suffice to say that he made a mistake and is paying for it. Regardless of how many "Breats" he has to handle. ROFL


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A couple of weeks ago in an "Under Privileged" suburb of Sydney, a car was stolen by three young men. They failed to stop for the police, the driver lost control, crashed into a power pole killing the two passengers and the driver ran off, escaping the police, only to give himself up a week later.

The youth of the community rioted for a few nights, blaming the police for the deaths of the two young men. Youths interviewed on T.V. taunted the police to --- "come out and play". Adults blamed Boredom as the youths had no jobs and the area lacked services to occupy them.

No one mentioned the fact that the "POOR KIDS" shown on T.V. wore the latest fashions and, no one mentioned the fact that, had they not stolen the car in the first place, the accident wouldn't have happened, the two young men would still be alive, their families would not be in mourning and the young driver would not be facing a charge of dangerous driving causing death.

Why do I mention the above ??????????????????

To point out that, as the car was registered and presumably roadworthy, (including seat belts fitted and working brakes), it was wrecked and two young lives were lost due to the driver losing control whilst driving at excessive speeds.

What a waste of three young lives.


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