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And i didnt know i was speeding i was following another car.

..... 62 in a 45.........

Not pickin on you, Bill but........

For your own safety, you gotta learn to tell the difference between 62mph and 45mph, and the type of street that has different the speed limits.

Did the other car get a ticket too?

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Bill, put the brick under the gas pedal, no on top of it.

You are in control of the tickets, If you want another one, you know what to do, if you don't, you know what to do too!

Guide to getting wealthy!

Put that hat on ebay, describe it as a stained seething mass that used to belong to an ex-president. Say it happens to bear a striking resemblance to Richard Nixon in his early years. List it in a category that has no possable connection to it, but has the most traffic. You will be able to sell it, get a Factory Restoration Program Car, and still have money left over to buy "Breats and thights"! 'Course, you won't have your hat...


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Bill, put the brick under the gas pedal, no on top of it.

You are in control of the tickets, If you want another one, you know what to do, if you don't, you know what to do too!....

This deserves repeating.

Guide to getting wealthy!....snip....

DON'T THROW MONEY AWAY ON STUPID THINGS, such as speeding tickets and raised insurance rates.


Don't be defensive, nor angry about all this ribbing. Hopefully next time the old lead-foot disease hits you, you'll remember it and save yourself a ticket.

If you insist on going fast, go out on the back roads, CRUISE the road first to learn where it goes to, how it moves, and most importantly what hazards are involved, including danger and surveillance areas. Once you've done that, you'll find that you can indeed go out and "blow the cobwebs out", without getting penalized, but get some seat belts installed. Going fast around a left hand turn is no fun if you slide over the console.

We old farts, wrinklies, or whatever you want to call us, have usually been there and done that. We all bear the scars of our failures. If you think you can take on a grizzly bear that's kicked the heck out of the rest of us, go ahead, but don't complain when you acquire your own scars. Or, listen to us golden oldies when we tell you that there's dog poop on the sidewalk and DON'T step in it, or ignore us and put up with the stench.


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And i didnt know i was speeding i was following another car.

Cops usually try to get you with some kind of hard evidence like radar or laser. Pacing usually works too although it's more difficult to prove. But, when they walk up to your car and ask you a question like, "Do you know how fast you were going?"... If you tell them how fast... even if it's a small bit over the speed limit... they have you by ADMISSION OF GUILT. My advice... always tell them you were going the speed limit. ;)

And a quick reply to your comment... As my Dad used to say, "If others were jumping off a bridge... would you?"

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With all the fatherly advice you're getting, if you only follow half of it you'll be the safest, smartest, most knowledgeable young driver in your town.

I think it was Enrique who made the nice comments about our friendly friends in blue uniforms. I agree with him. Sure, there are some nasty cops who will throw the book at you for the most minor offence, but the vast majority are just ordinary blokes and sheilas doing a tough, thankless, disrespected job that most people wouldn't even consider.

Now, --- maybe it's because I live in a fairly small town but I've found that a friendly wave receives one in return. If I pass one on the street I'll say "G'Day mate" and receive a "G'Day" back. It pays off in the long term. These days, when they see a Bronze Z coming their way, they sometimes wave first.


:devious: :devious:

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Yeah, it's because you live in a small town Rick. Either that or it's due to the fact that the cops here are usually too busy hiding in shrubs with their speed gun out to wave back...

Sorry, but I've never had a good experience with a cop. Maybe just bad luck eh?

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