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What does that name stand for?

I wouldn't recommend a V8 in it...if you beat these cavemen with a v8, they're just going to say something like 'yeah, told you you needed a big american v8 to compete, boy'. One thing to learn from this website is that having a Nissan motor in your rig is the way to go. Otherwise, see hybridz' website.

With the light weight of the vehicle, a slightly modified L series motor will beat just about anything unless its super pumped up. My rig is stock 2.4 and I beat a lot of 5.0 mustangs off the line, etc...so don't be surprised that you don't have to twin turbo and spend giant amounts of cash to have a pretty darn good off the line I6.

Putting a V8 in isn't going to one up those guys; it will just reinforce what they already think they know.

Just my .02 dollars.

My name stands for my real name Chris Remmenga, LOL remember that it will be famous someday!!! anyway I must have a V8 it is in my blood, i have a 67 firebird and a 99 camaro and now I need to put one in my 72 240z. I can build one for much less than it would cost me to fix up my L24. Plus I need to get at least 400 HP out of it!! I love speed and that should just about do it!!!

Well be sure to set the motor back so the dist. is almost touching the firewall...and remember, a 240 without reinforcement to the unibody is probably going to have to be reinforced with 400hp....better to use a 280 for a v8.

A stock V8 (225-250 hp) will dust just about any hi pro V8 car due to how light they are....

If the motor is put in the scarab position (so the weight is on the front tires) you will have issues with handling and steering, so putting the motor back will put more weight on the rear distribution...

Just my .02 dollars.

We (the roadster community) are ready for you when you get one! BTW, here's an open invitation to anyone near the central California Coast. The Solvang Datsun Roadster show is the last Saturday of April. Come by and say hello to my 70 yellow SRL roadster and see at least 75 more while your there!

We (the roadster community) are ready for you when you get one! BTW, here's an open invitation to anyone near the central California Coast. The Solvang Datsun Roadster show is the last Saturday of April. Come by and say hello to my 70 yellow SRL roadster and see at least 75 more while your there!

Thanks for the invite Victor! Don't know when I'll ever get out to the wrong coast, but would love to see CA one day. It's a long drive :-)

Best, David

Like someone previously stated, if you plop a V8 in it will just be reinforcing what the muscle heads were saying. To make your car show thtme up you must put american metal in it, I'm not sure if that would be the correct way to beat them. But hey, it is your car and you can do whatever you damn well please with it, and nobody should tell you otherwise.

Yes I do agree with you I should beat them with the 6 cylinder, but I'm far to hungry for that 400Hp mark!!! And WOW who would have ever thought this little tread I started would have been looked at and replied to by so many people! :surprised


So many people are viewing/posting because we all are seeing if you'll change your mind...many a Z has gotten a V8...and this site (at least in general, not everybody) really is pulling for you to keep the 6....when I beat a V8...man it just means so much more that I show them my 6....nobody and I mean nobody is going drop their jaw when you beat them and then tell them that yeah, it has a V8 in it...its like cheating.

Rebuild a L28, shave the head so you're pulling something like 11:1...put triple carbs on it, wild cam, and a turbo...

You will get 400hp, and you will go through rear ends....

But like Ed said---It's YOUR car, and YOU can do whatever you want... If you go the V8 route, good luck....just keep your 6 for when you put it back in! Just kiddin....

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