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There is nothing better than wiping the smile off a vette/firebird/camero/mustang owner with a car with a stock looking straight 6-make them feel pain-beaten badly by a "factory" six cyl 30 someodd year old car-is the way. How bad can a V8 guy feel? Build a L28 and find out how wicked your dark side truely is! Make it an absolute sleeper, and tell them it is factory-if you can keep the poker face going! Poor guys don't stand a chance-and they have too many cubic inches between their ears to know better!

Building a V8 gives you a fun car, but not a suprising car-getting unexpected performance out of an engine is suprising-especially to those you just left in the dust and glow of your taillights!

Build it to make you happy, but know what will make your happy before you build it.



Your car looks so cool in that avatar shot...until you said something about it...I though it was a toy photo'd on your desk or something! It looks that clean....


Thats the ISSUE! You DON'T need 400hp in a 2500lb car!!!! That's the whole point! just put a cam in, shave the head, put a header on, get rid of the points, rebuild the carbs....possibly put rings/rob-main bearings and seals, and that DOESN'T COST a lot...maybe $1000 if you try...

$1000 could get you around 250hp...this will beat a Camaro 400hp car just about every time...

That's not a sales promo, thats a FACT. My stock 135 gross hp 2.4L beats at least 75% of all 1980s style 5.0L mustangs...so what could 250hp do?

My LAST .02 dollars.

" but It would cost a butt load more money to get a 400hp straight 6 than it would for my SBC 400."

not as much as you might think. You can get 300rwhp easy with, a junkyard intercooler, manual boost controller, and 15psi on a T3/T4 turbo. You'll be running low 13's with 300rwhp. Thats enough to beat your v8 friends? No? Then put in some race gas, and run 20psi :)

You gotta stick with the 6 if you want to show the V-8 muscle crowd you're a serious contender. Look on EBay, there are a lot of things you can do for $100 here and there that go along way towards improving the performance of the engine.

The second reality of your situation is that it probably won't happen overnight. You're fighting an uphill battle with an older car against newer technology. It can be won, but you have to be patient and persistent and work on one thing at a time. I would also look at how the car is running now, is it in tune, are the carbs adjusted properly, does it need a tune up, simple stuff you can fix with $20-$50.

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