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f#ck this sh#ts me............

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When I first started posting on forums like this I got blasted with the search comment. I though it was rude too. Sometimes I explained that I had searched first and gave the results that I had found but still got the "try the search button." I think the people who regularly give the "try the search button" have some type of deep seated controll issues. If I do not feel like dealing with a question that has been asked a million times I just skip over it and read other threads. I just ignoir those search comments now.

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I can understand both sides to this, it is rude to give a "wizz-off check the archives" answer, but it is also rude to ignore the book lying on the table that probably holds the answer, by not taking a moment to check the search function for an immediate answer.

One person might read a question and think:

"I spent the better part of an hour typing, and three hours doing and taking pictures on the answer to that very question, does this yahoo not think enough of my time to do a little free research on his own. It is kind of like not using a blinker to indicate a lane change in heavy traffic. Blinkers are standard in all cars for a reason, just like the search function is standard in this forum. I bet this lazy bastard don't need no stinking instructions when he goes to remove a spindle pin-until he has to take it somewhere to get the mushrooms taken care of." This guy Posts some scornful message about using search.

Another guy reads the same question and thinks:

"Let him figure out the answer on his own-I don't have time for his chatter." Does not post.

A girl in a babydoll t-shirt reads the question and thinks: "I wonder what his butt looks like-oow, I can't write that..." Does not post

I think a polite reference to the search is appropriate for any question taking more than three sentances(and not the Walt Whitman kind) to answer properly. Adding a link to the answer shows that indeed the search function held the answer, and should initially be a part of that routine.

The Search function is yet another free and most excellent tool Mike has chosen to make available. If you had no tools, but had a 240Z that needed some parts replaced, and If I gave you a free set of Matco Wrenches would you use them (Dont' hold your breath)? Then why wouldn't you use the search functiion. Spend a minute or two to see if the answer can be found NOW instead of waited on. If you have a question on a previously posted answer found by the search function, I can tell you from experience that a PM is welcomed.

By not using the search function you are really cheating yourself. Unless you use the search function, you will not encounter the answers from present and past members who spent a great deal of time and effort to impart their knowledge into this collective through the archives-their knowlerdge is always available, but only in a search.


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I get some questions from friends over the phone for other forums, like "HOW do you search for things?" Apparently they didn't SEE the search button (or the link here) and only notice the Post New button. For myself, when I first registered on a new forum system, I would have trouble finding the Search button or link, or the Post New button/link.

In short, some newer people just don't know it's there, or can't find the button/link. Maybe it would help if it was made more prominent, or there could be some kind of informative README-type document you need to read through before your registration goes through? Maybe even send some tips in the registration-confirmation email.


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You wrote a very polite reply and that is pretty much the crux of the issue, here. I might add that over my months of time spent on this forum, I have found a number of people just don't read. I don't know if they are lazy or what, but I believe this web site is a reading type of "magazine" and reading is required. At times I can be patient and even go as far as look something up for someone, but I would really encourage everyone to realize and appreciate the amount of time it takes and what a great favor we are doing for each by responding to similar questions over and over again.

I don't reply to everything, even the questions I might know the answer to, and I skip on a lot of stuff. There are many times I see someone doing something I consider stupid and before I write my sarcastic slam, I think to myself; "let them ruin their Z. It is one less car out there which makes mine more valuable". Hows that for attitude! The other day I was reading a posting about some guy who had mistakenly poured antifreeze into his engine and wanted to know if it would hurt anything. I thought to myself that if he doesn't know, he shouldn't be changing the oil in his car, but I said nothing.

I want to suggest that for fun and grins, everyone should browse through the archives every now and then instead of going directly to the current topics. You will be amazed at what you find and written by whom. The archives on this site are one of its greatest assets ( along with the photographs ) and are really under rated compared to the "Boobs" thread. Can you imagine? Here we all are - Z heads - with all this documented knowledge, and the seemingly most successful thread, in spite of the arguments about keeping our material relevant,....Oh, I'll just sit down and shut up.

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Suggesting the use of the SEARCH function is great advice and shouldn't be viewed so negatively (in all cases). Teaching someone to help themselves is infinitely more valuable than holding their hand every day for the rest of their life.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, Teach him HOW TO FISH and you feed him for a lifetime."

There are people out there who won't be bothered to buy and READ a manual and/or even bother to attempt to learn the basics of their car (i.e. crawl under it and look around for a drain plug, or oil leak, or whatever). They'd rather have YOU re-write the manual, chapter by chapter for the thousandth time (HERE) especially for them.

Then there are the people who admit that they don't know anything about a car (any car, or this car) and yet still ask how they can modify their car to achieve insane HP, or elapsed time. (stuff that is WAY beyond their capability to comprehend, let alone accomplish)

At some point (sometimes) it gets easy to feel that not every question deserves an answer. Some questions are are excellent, others are just fanciful, some are stupid. (yeah, I've heard it said that "there is no such thing as a Stupid Question". I disagree with it. BTW, that quote came from a member of the Teacher's Union.)

PS the SEARCH function could be helped ALOT by people using a little forethought when creating threads:

1. Use the correct (or at least common) term for what you are talking about. "that hot thingy with a red wire" isn't very helpful. Also, IDENTIFY what kind of car you are working on, or referring to. Some people forget that there are significant differences (in certain area's) between a 240Z and a 280Z. Also, SPELL CORRECTLY. The search engine is DUMB, it returns results that EXACTLY MATCH the search criteria.

2. Dont post under the Subject "f#ck this sh#ts me............ " (the original name of this thread) if you want to talk about people suggesting others use the SEARCH button.

***I'm not picking on Aussie260z, just using it as an example of a "Subject" that doesn't tell people who use the SEARCH button ANYTHING about what the actual thread subject is. There is nothing like having to read 50 threads that are listed in the search results, yet have little to do with what help you need just to find a nugget of information

3. If you have some good information, post it in an appropriate thread. Create your own thread in the appropriate forum if necessary. Many times I see a thread get hijacked (or regurgitated) to a similar but different subject (someone was too lazy to start their own thread) and then a great answer is provided, but few people will ever find it again because it's in a thread that is basically unrelated to the great information provided.

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Most anything can be said to a person and not wizz them off, all it takes is a little diplomacy. Unfortunatly on some of the forums out there diplomacy is a lost art. Some people seem to feel being nice is being vulnerable, I feel it is quite the oppisite. The attackers on the forums leave themselves open to attack from all the other people reading the thread. The consistantly polite people may be attacked on occaision but very seldom compared to the attackers.

26TH-Z is right about the archives, I have found all kinds of stuff about Z's and many other non Z things which I found very interesting. It is also a way to find links to great info and cool pictures.

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Most anything can be said to a person and not wizz them off, all it takes is a little diplomacy. Unfortunatly on some of the forums out there diplomacy is a lost art. ..........


I tend to agree with you, but there are exceptions. Some people don't respond to diplomacy, they take offense at anything that isn't what they wanted to hear. Suggesting that simple questions can be answered by use of the search function shouldn't (by itself) be considered as undiplomatic. Some people are insightful and/or sincere and their questions are rooted in reality , but some others are simply clueless. IMO, there are times when a hammer upside the head is the best thing you can do for some person.

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There's also various ways to use a search engine like the one we supply here. Just because it's used one way, doesn't mean that it will bring up all the information on the topic. Sometimes I have to try 3-4 times before I find something on any forum before I find the info I need.

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There's also various ways to use a search engine like the one we supply here. Just because it's used one way, doesn't mean that it will bring up all the information on the topic. Sometimes I have to try 3-4 times before I find something on any forum before I find the info I need.

Maybe a write up on how to use it woud help?

I don't know much about it, so I stumble through, often trying many terms before finding what I'm looking for. Sometimes never finding what I'm looking for.

example, when I search by user name it only brings up results for the most recent 500 threads. 2ManyZs, Victor, and some others have thousands of threads and thus much of their information is impossible for me to find using that method of search.

PS guess the name change on the thread didn't work?

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^^ i understand both sides of the fence. sometimes you don't know the correct terminology yo properly search, and sometimes when you DO search it comes up with 47 pages (most of which don't even have to do with the subject at hand)

however, i do agree that the search function is very handy, and i have made good use of it.

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