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Welding floor panels sealed with Por 15?

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I am almost ready to install Zedfindings' floors in my 72z and want to know if I should treat the new floors and exhisting bare metal in the car before mig welding them? I also want to treat the inside of the support panels and the seat supports. I could tape off where I plan to weld but I wonder if this is necessary.

Bob M

I would treat everything with metal ready, wipe it down with laquer thinner, let dry, and weld in the new panels. Then retreat with metal ready, wipe down again with laquer thinner, and after everything is totaly dry, use the POR.

Por is thick, the overlap will be noticeable if you paint it first then weld. Get it all at the same time-POR is messy enough without adding the complexity!


I am almost ready to install Zedfindings' floors in my 72z and want to know if I should treat the new floors and exhisting bare metal in the car before mig welding them? I also want to treat the inside of the support panels and the seat supports. I could tape off where I plan to weld but I wonder if this is necessary.

Bob M

I recently finished what you are starting. My suggestion is to finish fitting the floor pannel in and before you sucure it in place . Wype the areas clean with either grease/wax remover or thinner. Then , what I used was self tapping sheet metal screws , secure in place. Escanlon fitted the pannel. Any way then do the welding , then use MARIENE CLEAN to clean and treat the metal . Rince off , then use METAL READY and again rince . Let dry COMPLETELY this is criticle . If ANY moisture is left between the sheets of metal the POR W I L L bubble and foam and will not seal. The metal ready will leave a resadue on the metal , leave it alone . Just paint over it . Now I had cleaned the under side all around the area to be welded and treated all of this as well , and painted it also. It is Not recommended to use ANY THINNER on the surface just prior to painting with POR. If the surface to be painted is not preped properly the paint will NOT STICK AND WILL PEAL OFF. If done correctly it is there forever. I have pictures if you would like to see them send me a PM . The cleaner is more than just a soap it also etches the metal slightly. DO NOT USE THE Mariene clean on your mag wheels, I learn the hard way . It will take the shine off the pollished surface and you will neet to repolish them. Scanlon and I have used POR in most places that are pron to rust and have shot it into the dog leggs and rockers as well , with a syphon gun . Gary The screws were removed as the welding was done and the holes filled , :knockedou

Gentlemen, Thank you for the advice. I should finish the floors next week. In the meantime, I will clean and treat the surfaces as you suggested. I think I will cover the inside of the support rails with Por 15 prior to welding, I don't see how I can seal them later. I had quite a bit of rust on the passenger side and I would like to eliminate a reoccurance.

Thanks again

Bob M

Bob M:

You may want to send a PM to our member "EScanlon" regarding POR'ing the rails. IIRC he had a way of applying the POR inside of panels. In any event, he has experience with wolding in panels and floorpans, and applying POR. I am sure he can advise you as to the best procedures.


escanlon is a member...just search for any posts he's done, click on his name and select 'send a private message' or reply to this post and beandip will help you...escanlon and him did all of this on his rig....

...which i went and looked at....man that car is smokin sweet lookin...the interior is absolutely clean enough to eat off of anywhere.

escanlon is a member...just search for any posts he's done, click on his name and select 'send a private message' or reply to this post and beandip will help you...escanlon and him did all of this on his rig....

...which i went and looked at....man that car is smokin sweet lookin...the interior is absolutely clean enough to eat off of anywhere.

Thanks ! G

Here's a link to Harbor Freight Tools, and the SIPHON SPRAY BLOW GUN #37346, which was only 3-4 bucks, IIRC.


There really isn't too much to using this.

You put the end of the hose into the can of POR, and the other end attaches to the end of the blow gun, then just point and spray. Beandip came up with a heavy fishing weight to attach to the end of the hose to ensure that it didn't slip out of the can, which made for less "oops" factor. There's no need to thin the POR as you would with standard spray equipment, (which by the way does NOT work satisfactorily, i.e. you spend 4 times the time, twice the money and you still don't get good coverage inside areas you can't see directly.)

There really is NO limitation to how far inside a cavity you could spray the POR, other than lack of visibility and air pressure. Although you can expect a bit of "reach" past corners into areas you can't see directly, don't expect to cover them well. This method works best for "line-of-sight" surfaces. If you were to use "Ziebart" type nozzles to direct the spray back and to the sides, it would be perfect.

Clean up is a cinch. Just throw away the PVC hose as it is impossible to really clean it and lacquer thinner which normally cuts uncured POR will dissolve the PVC and it's cheap to replace. The nozzle tip just takes a couple of dips into lacquer thinner and it's clean.

Be forewarned though, be absolutely sure to wear protective breathing apparatus, not just a dust mask, spray outdoors preferably and have a fan blowing the fumes away.


Voice of experience here. If you do not have adequate ventilation AND a good paint spray mask AND a means to evacuate the fumes that you will be really generating with this method, you WILL get dizzy spells, nausea, and major headaches.

Lastly, be sure to have a lacquer thinner dampened rag on hand. That will clean the POR from areas that you did NOT want treated, although it still sets rock hard later. Remember to make sure you clean off any you get on your skin.

$2 (This one is a GOOD tip.)



Thanks for the information. I am not sure how to contact EScanlon. I hope to weld the floors in next week so this information is timely.

Bob M

Sorry Bob, I didn't know you weren't familiar with the PM (Private Message) system.


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