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The only real pennance for that serious of a sin is one month with no Z priveledges-you cannot wash, wax, look at, sleep in, vacuum, apply vinyl treatment, air up, dry dust, clean the glass, polish the chrome, look at pictures of(real or virtual), or drive your Z.

Every time your Z lust comes to bear, you must shout at the top of your lungs, "I have sinned against Classic Zs. I am lower than the lowest rust on #27. I know better than to wear my club shirt to work on anything but an S30-forgive me my brothers, forgive me"

Now, if you are going to the MSA show, as many of us are, We sould be hearing your shouts at every step if you are there-meaning you don't need a nametag(or a shirt) for us to know who you are!

Aint I a stinker!


The only real pennance for that serious of a sin is one month with no Z priveledges-you cannot wash, wax, look at, sleep in, vacuum, apply vinyl treatment, air up, dry dust, clean the glass, polish the chrome, look at pictures of(real or virtual), or drive your Z.

Man, it's gonna be a long walk home from work today, seeing as how I drove the '71 in today...

It would have been better to have used a ZX club T-Shirt as a polishing rag on your 240Z.

No one would have cared about that (except people like me who would have praised you!).

Thanks for replying, this post was mainly for you & your love of the 280ZX...Robert

Thanks for replying, this post was mainly for you & your love of the 280ZX...Robert


Hope you you got the response you were looking for. I'd hate to disappoint you. LOL:rolleyes:


PS: Did you finish working on your Windshield Wiper system?

Did you finish working on your Windshield Wiper system?

Yes, that's the response I was looking for. Nope, got a few other projects in front of the wipers, like getting the '83 thru emissions. Both Roadsters, the '71 and '74 are smog exempt here, but not the '83. That'll teach me to buy such a big, fat, bloated pig.

I think the proper penance should be that he buy ANOTHER shirt, one that ONLY gets used on a Z.

Let this one that has been rendered .... not unworthy, but definitely .... "tainted" be used for those mundane chores where it might be possible to get dirty. i.e. changing oil, greasing bearings, waxing the ZX.....


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