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Hey guys. I have dealt with this since i finished the car, but i think its time i fix it. That little blue indicator light stays on no matter how many times i click the hi beams. Also i noticed that the only light that seems to switch is the drivers side one. The passenger light just stays in low beam. Also when both lights are in low beam the right one is a little brighter. All your ideas are welcome! thanks guys

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The first step I'd suggest is to clean ALL of the connectors to the headlights (up front at the bottom of the radiator support) I doubt it will healp with the switch issue, but it could make a big difference in the brightness of the headlights, and may also help with the one light that doesn't go to BRIGHT.

As for the switch issue, I'll leave that to others to advise since I'm not a real wiz at electrical. But it sounds like it could be the "brights" switch is dirty/carbonized.

That little blue indicator light stays on no matter how many times i click the hi beams.

Are you sure you put the right globe holder in the right hole? sounds like you may have put one of the gauge illumination bulbs in the high beam hole, if thats possible. Its been so long since if seen the interior of a z. It's all packed away in a box somewhere.

one day it will be finished, one day....

Hmm my blue light only comes on with low beam. Turns off for high beam. And before someone comments, no the wires aren't on backwards. One has power whenever the lights are turned on, and the other turns on and off with the highbeam switch. It's been like that ever since I had a bandicoot hiding in my dashboard. The dog helped me get it out. She also removed a few wires for me......

Definately a Bandicoot. It was only a small one so it was like a big rat. Scared the life out of me when it was running around inside the car just as I started it up to go to work.


Sorry for the highjack, but it is kind of Z headlight related, because this is what caused my problem.

MrMarcDude, if you're sure the hibeam filiment isn't just burnt out, try checking the red-black wire on the back of the headlights. It sounds like your problem could be a ground issue. If one of the connectors looks like it has been overheating, clean off the contact on the light and replace the female connector on the wire.

if that wire is ok, then inspect the red-white wire behind the speedometer for a short to ground.

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