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This site has much wiser (Older sounds like such a negative word, doesn't it?) members that are willing and ready to dispence advise to anyone with open hears, which is what a forum should be. But, everyone has emotions, and sometimes they do get the best of us and we just have to be careful.

Good point 'Wafer.... I must point out that age doesn't necessarily mean wiser or more mature. I've seen 60-year olds act like they were 15. :)

I just read the thread about the pace cars and umm...flaming. There are three types of people in this club:

1. People that know a lot about the subject and are willing to learn more. Not Z Guru's either.

2. People that know some or little information about the subject that want to learn more.

3. People that don't care about the history.

I'm claiming #2.

Thank you for the well written post Ben.

If there's one thing I learned from the thread I started, it's that I'd better be real careful about how I phrase a statement, and to keep all members in mind when comprising it. :) I'll be the first one to admit that sometimes I have terminal tunnel-vision :stupid: and that I need to work on that.

I would like to say that I apologize for anything I may have done to cause the thread I started to go south. :(

I claim number 2 as well :) .

btw, I don't think you started any flaming. I feel bad now. This sounds like a therapy visit gone bad on my part. Who am I to scold people?


I don't think you were accusing me of starting anything, and I don't think I flamed anyone. I was just saying that I should make inquiries clear and to the point, and to be mindful of our Z brothers and sisters that live outside the USA. But, thanks for the concern Ben.

And, by the way, I don't need no stinking therapy. ROFLROFLROFL

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