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i'm trying to attach pics to my post but they won't upload.i know there's a size limit. the pics are 1600x1200 pixels(.169KB) and1224x816pixels (.478KB).i downloaded pisas2 and i tells me these are jpeg. i browse,locate file and hit upload. the manage box tells me this may take some time,i wait and suddenly the manage box goes blank, doesn't notify me that file is done or if file is too big or anything. the file i'm trying to upload has 6 or 7 pictures in it,probably too big. i tried to do 1 pic from this file and get same results.thanks in advance.

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LOL yeah Mr C i see your point of view.

However some clarification on as to why there would be such a limit or restriction.

It's really quite simple when you have an image of that size it takes up alot of extra disk space on the server. As a website admin myself it's I understand it's important for these sorts of rules in order to ensure you don't run out of space and also you have to ask is it really necessary to be uploading such a high resolution image? When in most cases 1024 * 768 pixels is more than adequete.

Also take into account some people have older machines with crappy Video Cards that would struggle to display large images.

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i'm trying to attach pics to my post but they won't upload.i know there's a size limit. the pics are 1600x1200 pixels(.169KB) and1224x816pixels (.478KB

Yep, there's a size limit of 1024x768. Resize your images to that measurement and then try the attachment again. If you do the math, that image size is approximately 1 megapixel. If you have a 5 megapixel camera, you can see how the images will be MUCH larger. Therefore, anyone who takes images using a digital camera will need to resize the images before they can be used as attachments in the messages.

Now, if you upload images to the gallery, they will automatically be resized down to an appropriate size for the gallery.

I will do some checking to see if I can allow larger pictures but then make the server automatically resize them to save disk space.

-- Mike

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