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ok, heres the deal....we had to pull the motor on my brothers 240 to install a new crank...while we had the motor and tranny out we decided to go ahead and put in the R180 diff he bought. we got everything back together and start the car, push in the clutch, put it in gear, let the clutch out and nothing! the car didnt move...

so we think we mess something up with the clutch...we pulled the tranny again and everything checked out. so we reinstalled it....started the car put it in gear and nothing....oh i might add that while the motor is running we can easily put it in geasr with out the clutch.....

Any ideas of what we skrewed up on??? help we are at our wits end! :mad: :stupid: :mad:


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Whatever you did with the diff shouldn't have any bearing on the clutch problems, so lets forget about that.

What did you do with the trans or clutch P/P, T/O bearing, Slave cylinder, Master cylinder? Change any parts, mix up parts, forget to bleed system?

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if it isn't a daily driver, a good suspect would be that the slave cylinder for the clutch is rusted in the disengaged position, making it feel like you have the clutch pedal on the floor....this happened to me. Replace the slave and it's back to working order...

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we didnt replace anything. the trans, clutch, slave and master cylinders are all the same and no adjustments were made to those...they werent a problem b 4...ive been thinking the slave cylinder might be the problem but convincing the owner of the car is provong to be a challenge....we'll see, hopefully he wont give up on it it and we can work on it today.

oh ya, it is a daily driver...

we didnt think we needed to bleed the system because none of the lines were opened up...the pedal feels the same as it used to.

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