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Bambikiller240 Why not just buy a TOAD, and pass the S30 on to someone who will appreciate it for what it is?

i have a question to you guys does your car have the origanal factory radio with the one speaker or any performance parts or even a different paint job than what it originally came with? if you answer yes than your a hypocrit. i am rebuilding my car for me not for a bunch of people that are afraid of change. i realize that changing the dash and console might be really tough, but lets at least find out from the guy who did do it how much time and money did it cost him and would he ever do it again.

Hey, you could replace the stock radio with a Ghetto Blaster Boom Box too. There is no accounting for taste.

Just because something can be done, doesn't mean it should be done. But like the man said, it's your car. Go for it.

I gotta agree with the other guy's.. if you after the 350z look get a 350z.

The guy did a nice job, and as was said if you got enough time, and money anything is possible. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind a new 350z, but I'll be just as happy with my '71' S30 when it all painted, and put back together.

Will it have the original radio.. No, will it have the original Seats... No, Orginal tires, and wheels.. No, BUT when you see it coming down the road there'll be no mistaking it for anything other than a Series I Z.

A nice Series I car is fast becoming harder, and harder to come by these day's, And as it was posted somewhere else on the board, when you chop-em up, and part them out.... that's it folks, No more orginals to be had.

I'm not afraid of change, but like someone else said it awfully 350ish......But that's just my opinion

no one said change the outside look of the 240z i love 240z shape. what i am not real crazy about is the dash and console. if you look at the 350z dash and console everything has a smooth flow. when they made the z in the 70s they were at the peak of there technology and thats what they came up with. fyi... Ghetto Blaster Boom Box was used in the 80's us youngins call it a stereo now. I have looked at many photos that people have upload in the years and there are many z's i have saw that were ugly or just not my taste, but as long as they like it thats all that matters

Woa! There is a distinct and huge difference between upgrading several hidden(or relatively small or visually unnoticeable) performance parts, or respraying a car in need, and replacing virtually everything you see when driving in the drivers seat with parts straight from another car...Last time I checked, the choice of Dash and a Console did absolutely nothing at all for performance-infact that sounds more like an Interior Ricer (appearance or noise only pieces)upgrade than anything else.

That said, It is your car, and you should do what ever makes you happy, but when you post in a forum on ClassicZcars.com about changing the very nature of the car we all adore for what it IS, you should not expect the idea to be popular. I don't think anyone would question whether the changes you are considering would be tough or expensive. I think they are just wondering why you would want to be "different" by copying something else that there are more being made of every single day in leu of leaving something alone that gets more rare, unique, and "different" every single day.

I am happy for you to make your car what ever you want it to be, I am not critisizing anything you might do to or with your car. I am just pointing out if you were at the last Superbowl sitting on the Eagles side and actively cheering for the Patriots, you might have had the wrong expectation about how you would be leaving that stadium. You still were entitled to your opinion, but the 40 guys around you probably made sure you wore theirs home. That does not make it right or wrong, that is just the way it is.

This site is about "Performance, Pride, and Preservation". Changing out most of the interior with another car really does not illustrate Preservation, Pride, or add to Performance. It stands to reason that your plans might not be really popular among many of the members here. That does not make them any less important you, nor does it make them wrong, heinous, or stupid, it just means you were not watching where you stepped.

Good luck with your plans, I tried to lend you a hand by letting you know where some of the parts can be found and about what you might have to give for them, and I hope you get as much enjoyment out of your Z as I get out of mine!


if you look at the 350z dash and console everything has a smooth flow...............fyi... Ghetto Blaster Boom Box was used in the 80's us youngins call it a stereo now.

you've got to be kidding, the main instrument cluster in that dash you provided a link of JUTS out from the rest of the dash (rounded as the rest of the dash is) A dash in a 240Z is all smooth flowing lines, everything is rounded and flowing.

We had stereo's in the 60"s, 50's and even earlier, friend. A Ghetto Blaster Boom Box is a variation of a stereo. Install one of these bad boys in a car. It can be done, but IMO shouldn't.

As others have said, it's your car and you only have to please yourself, but Pride, Performance, and Preservation have nothing to do with the modifications that you seem to desire, so expect a little differing opinion when you post about things like this. Some of us see things differently than you do.

The car in questions belongs to Fred S. It has the full 350Z running gear and dash and consol in it. You would have to see it in person to appreciate the engineering that went in to it. Fred has also built a 240Z 4x4 that has been at MSA as well.

Fred great job!!

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