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I hope your talking about the fuel filler hose. The one that goes from the gas cap to the gastank. I've only removed it while the tank was out but I imagine you could take it out with the gastank loose. First you need to disconnect the filler hose from the tank. Then I used a hair dryer to warm up the rubber on the gas cap side. Once the rubber warmed up it was easier to bend. Push the lip of the filler hose in then down. Once you get a piece of it inside and under the lip then the rest goes pretty easy.

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please help me ,i dont know the way to bring out the filler hose of the body? i open the screw on top and also on the underside ,but i find no way to get it out of the body ??

Not sure on the 240's, but generally, once the filler neck is detached from the quarter panel, and the rubber filler neck hose is detached from the tank, you will either need to remove the clamp from the metal filler neck (at the body) or disconnect the vent hoses to the vapor tank. There is (on my 280) a rubber w/ metal frame gasket/boot that bolts on to the body in that area, making removal of the filler neck hose almost impossible w/o removing the vapor tank first and disconnecting the appropriate hoses. I just yanked a real nice one from the j/y last weekend. Any takers?


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  • 2 months later...

HA! I wish I'd have thought about a damn heat gun when I replaced my quarter panel and had to remove it. It can be done without a hairdryer or heatgun if need be cause I've done it, but what a pain in the rear it is. I so wish I'd seen this thread before April LOL

However if anyone comes looking later perhaps these might help...

In this first shot you can see the metal ring's already off the top part but you still need to push the rubber down through this.


Then you'll see from this side you need to pull the whole thing down through this part, make sure you take off that metal retaining ring, you will still have to force it through the opening with it detached, it doesn't leave a big enough opening for it to just slide out, it's a major pain especially without that heatgun I didn't think about.


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