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Hey guys its KGL, and I just got my car running for the first time. but i have a problem, i have it set to run but the timing is so advanced that i cant screw down the distributor. Now what i'm thinking is that the cam is the problem. the cam that i have in the car is a MSA stage 2. so what i am asking is were do you guys set the timing on the car with a stage two cam in it. the rest of the car is stock except, i cut in larger 280z valves. I also took all the smoge off the car. Also the head that i have is a E31. I need help. Any input will do me good.


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Well as I said after building my motor I'm very pleased as it hauls a**. But my distrib is rotated clk. wise more than the retaining screw allows. So I'm thinkin I should move my cam gear to the #2 or #3 position to bring the spinner around or clamp it with some vicegrips? I'm also tinkin that a "stage two cam" wants to be a little more advanced than stock. Is my noodle working right or what? Phred where are you? kgl

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This has nothing to do with the three positions on the cam gear. Those are there to compensate for stretch in the timing chain. As Stephen said the problem is with the distributor shaft alignment. A common gear turns the shaft that runs both the distributor and the the oil pump. If this gear is off by one or more teeth you'll have the problem you described. To fix it you have to lower the oil pump, move the gear to the correct position, and reassemble. The other possibility is that your plug wires are off by a position but that would effectively change the timing by 30 degrees.

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Appreciate your reply Mike. Last night after posting I was thinking and realized I was on the wrong track and mixing up and combining spark and the valve/piston timing. I also knew that it was not the pump as I set it right when I built the motor( the offset/11.25 thing) but sitting here reading your post I know without checking it's the plug wires. When setting up the distrib. I thought it spun clk. wise ( v8 days) when I realized it was the other way around I just changed wires 2 thru 6 and spun the cap to the other side of 1. I may have come to this my self but if anything you saved me some pondering. :laugh: kgl Question? If you move the timing 60 degrees on the cap does that only change the timing 30 degrees or was your 30 degrees a misprint?

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On to my next hurdle. In setting up the car should I stick to factory specs. for the timing with a stage two cam. As you well know the effect timing has on things (rpm ect.) I need to start with this so I can really start to dial in the su's. She's set up now by feel but it's time to finalize some settings. I've read some of the other posts about pinging set up and such and or setting at 3000 but need to make some timing tape since I don't have a fancy light. I will go one of these ways in lieu of further suggestions. Thanks kgl :squareeye

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If you move the timing 60 degrees on the cap does that only change the timing 30 degrees or was your 30 degrees a misprint?

Yes, I meant to say 60 degrees (360 degrees divided by 6 cylinders). Sorry for the confusion. How's it running now? Does the screw fit in the slot?

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I would also vote that your oil pump installation is not right which could result in timing out-of-whack. Painful suggestion but you need to recheck setup.

If you installed 35 mm exhaust valves in the E-31 head and the block is still 2400 cc you are at risk for contact with the rim of the cylinder, expecially with a high lift cam.

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Thanks for your replies Mike. After moving my wires around I was able to use the screw to button it down. I also called schnider cams and ask for a timing recomendation for thier stage two cam as it was not on the cam timing card. They suggested a setting of 10 to 12 degrees btdc. I set the timing at about 11 and proceded to go through the su set up procedure as recomended by z therapy. The car is running very well and as a side note my t light broke in the middle of all this so was forced to get a new one. So I purchased one with the adjustible knob. When all done with the set up I advanced the throttle to 3000 rpm and checked the timing found it at the 35 degrees as recommended in earlier posts :laugh: . Boy was I smiling. I will say that I'm at the very extent of the adjustment allowed by the distrib.. One other thing I noticed is that the rotor contact with the cap is on the far side of the t shape of the rotor. If you follow me is this normal as I recall other cars the rotor was in contact early or in the middle? To kinfish thanks for your input, our cars are cousins.....dec 1970 hls30-15835. As to the valves I did use the larger valves. I ground out the block for the valves. When building my motor I followed "Franks" book pretty much to the letter. Thanks again kgl :cheeky:

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