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I have my dad's 1982 280ZX, 129K miles. A metal part and piece of bolt fell off the back of the car, I brought it in to a car shop, they tell me it is the "exhaust manifold head and stud signaling a serious engine problem", that it is leaking through the gasket causing a putt putt sound, they said the only choice for repair is to remove exhaust manifold and intake manifold, drill out the old bolt, if that works....if it doesn't work, then they need to take the cylinder head off. they estimated minimum $1,000 just to determine what to do. PLEASE: I need advice. Do i repair the car? How much money do i put into the car when it is 1982 and 129K miles? Do i try to sell it in its current condition? THOUGHTS?????

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$1000 to determine what to do is "bullshit".

Since it appears that you cannot repair this with your own skills and tools, Step one is to find another shop that won't B.S. you.

In some cases a competant shop will need to remove both manifolds, then remove the broken stud, and simply replace the stud, or more probably they will drill out the old stud and install a "heli-coil" (it repairs the threads in the cylinder head) and then install a new stud. Cost will depend on labor rates in your area (which we have no clue of, since you didn't fill out your profile completely), but there shouldn't be anyway it would approach $1000.

Step One = Find another shop. (it's worth repeating)

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First off, where do you live? There are hundreds of members in this club that could help you or direct you to a reputable shop if they know what part of the world you're from.

If your dad took good care of the Z by giving it regular oil changes, watching the fluid levels, and making repairs promptly, 129k miles on a Z engine is low, especially for a 23 year old car. If the interior and exterior is in good shape, it's definately worth keeping.

From what you've said so far about your dilema, $1000 is extortion just to tell you what needs to be done to repair your engine. My Z mechanic doesn't charge me a dime to tell me what needs to be done and give me a written, accurate estimate of parts and labor to do the work. It sounds to me like the only parts your car needs are a new manifold bolt, nut, gasket, and possibly a used exhaust manifold that can be found at a salvage yard (or bought from a member here). I'd be surprised if the parts and labor was more than $400.

I wouldn't recommend driving the car the way it is for too long, especially if you live in a cold climate. Heating the engine up, then having it cool off with a gasket or manifold leak could cause the valves to warp. Then you are looking at many more bucks to fix.

Do you have the parts that fell off, and can you post pictures of them so we can see what might need to be repaired?

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Most Z-and ZXs I have seen have the last bolt on the exhaust manifold broken off-this is a very common problem. Any shop that wants to keep you as a customer, and not simply rape you once and let you go, can normally repair this problem with no Drama, a right angle drill with a lefthand drill bit(or an EDM) will remove the broken bolt, then there is replacing the bolt-and maybe a helicoil iinsert.

It does take some skill to drill square in such tight quarters, but, with any luck, the repair should take about an hour(some things must come out to make room for the drill or the edm). but no longer than 3 hours. Parts should be no more than $25, and you should get to keep the drillbit! Labor should be between $50 and $150.

Worst case, the head has to come off-then you are in the $400-500 range, and should probably consider having more work done since you are already having to pay for it being taken apart and put back together.


PS, The L series engines will easily run 250,000 miles with decent maintenance, I have opened up a couple with more than 500,000 that looked new inside. If you keep fluids and filters, changed, and the cars tuned up, they are better than energizer batteries...


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I had a broken exhaust stud on the 810 when I got it. I pulled the manifolds, soaked the stud with penetrating oil, although I don't think that really did anything since it really couldn't get into the threads, and carefully removed it with a Craftsman bolt-out. It came out in one piece. I guess I was lucky.

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Most Z-and ZXs I have seen have the last bolt on the exhaust manifold broken off-

Wow, you need to look at better cared for examples of Z cars. Sure it's colmmon to have this happen, but to see "most" Z and ZX's with this issue....

Parts should be no more than $25, and you should get to keep the drillbit! Labor should be between $50 and $150.

Around here you'll spend at very least $30 for the helicoil kit, and the mechanic will almost always keep the bit, he won't even mention it.

Worst case, the head has to come off-then you are in the $400-500 range, and should probably consider having more work done since you are already having to pay for it being taken apart and put back together.


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Come on Carl,

"Most" means at least 51%! I am looking for the inexpensive cars for parts and pieces-if they had nothing wrong, they probably wouldn't be in the $50-$200 price range-I buy more of those than the ready to drive and enjoy variety! With the engine coming out anyway, this repair is not that tough!

a permacoil kit(incl 12 stainless steel inserts) is $30

A single helicoil kit runs about $12

Could it be we have more honest Mechanics? (he sells the things, and makes his own captive market-higher volume lower cost)


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If you want to talk parts cars, I believe what you say, but I look at more cars being driven, and/or shown at shows than I do junkers. (too depressing to look at junkers all day)

Here in the Bay Area, CA a single helicoil kit with appropriate tap and drill bit and helicoil insert is over $30 at the Parts store.

Off to Blackhawk All Datsun/Nissan Show! TTFN

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