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You might want to check out the following website url:


Lowes stocks Lincoln Electric or you can check out their website at the following url:


It also depends on what all you want to do with it. The middle to high end units let you weld a much wider range of metals. (I.E. - Fairly thin metal to pretty thick stuff)


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1. Get a MIG welder, not a wire feed. If you can't afford one with gas, or a gas kit, then you shouldn't be looking at welders yet.

2. Get the best one you can afford. If you get a small cheap one, you will always want a bigger one. I have never heard anyone say they wish their welder was smaller.

3. If you have access to 240V, then get a 240V welder. The 120V ones are nice and handy, but if you will be using it alot, the 240V ones are better. They tend to be more ajustable.

4. Brands to look for: Lincoln, Hobart, Miller, Easb, etc. Stick with a main brand, it makes getting parts easier.

MIG welding is much easier than ARC. It doesn't take long to learn it, and with a little practice, you will be very good.

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thanks a bunch. I wont be welding too much because i think im gunna try to buy a new shell... mines just to far rotted. Ill search around for a gas mig. appreciate the responses. If anyones knows of or has a spare shell they are selling im interested =) I also have a other thread on the shell

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Put your location in the profile, so people know what state or country you are in.

If no one knows where you are located then they cant help you with thoses sort of requests.

For example if you were in or near Arizona, I could tell you about the guy in Arizona that has a shell that he is giving away for free.....

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