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I was sucked in by a TV infomercial for this stuff years ago.

Here's an ebay link that basically gives you the lowdown on what it's supposed to do.


and for those of you who want the official skinny, here's the manufacturer's website:


Okay, now, I've already gone through and seen some threads about people thinking about using oil additives in engines that are potentially choked with carbon on the inside, and I've seen that those people are generally deterred from using 'cleaning' products in their engine. I'm to understand that there can be some pretty serious consequences for trying to 'clean' an older engine in such a short period of time (i.e. 15 minutes).

I've used ZMax before in my mom's '94 Tracer, and it certainly did make a difference (better pickup and smoother shifts in the auto trans.), but I'm wondering, do you more knowledgable car guys believe this mumbo jumbo would work on a Z? In other words... could ZMax take my Z to the max?

... just so there's no confusion, this isn't a commercial post; I don't work for ZMax and I'm not trying to advertise the stuff. I've felt the difference this stuff can make in a newer car, and I just want to know if it's "safe" for use in our Z's.

In fact... I'm wondering... has anybody else tried this stuff? (In their Z or other car)

If this stuff is safe for our 30+ year old cars, it could be an easy way to put some 'zip' back into 'em.

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I remember seeing some of the local stock car racers here at Sunshine Speedway pouring transmission fluid down the carb. They claimed it worked as good as anything you could buy out there for cleaning out the engine.

One thing I've read is you have to be careful of some of the engine cleaners or additives because they effect the perfomance of spark plugs.

Who knows.............car folklore or redneck remedys.


if they were so good, manufacturers would do it. More than likely you have experienced a placebo affect or at best a temporary feeling of improvement.

Does the gas additive have an octane booster in it? That would make it feel better...

Just good ole motor oil is what I'd recommend, IMO.

What effect would an octane booster provide?

Well, unless I've missed my guess, an octane booster would make the gasoline in the car more... shall we say, "volatile?" ... making the car perform better and thus making the owner feel like the stuff he added is actually doing something.

Hrm... maybe I should try an experiment with the Zmax... ya know, measure compression before and after using it (they say it's supposed to give you better compression), if doesn't do much of anything, then we know it's crap, eh?

... some valid points against it though... My only concern is, is it safe to use anything like that in an engine almost 30 years old? Zmax has been commercially available since the 80's but... yeah...

I'm not gonna be pissed if this stuff doesn't do anything... I just don't want to hurt the car. Anbody else take a thorough look at the official site?

Well, unless I've missed my guess, an octane booster would make the gasoline in the car more... shall we say, "volatile?" ... making the car perform better and thus making the owner feel like the stuff he added is actually doing something.

Interesting choice of words since the higher the octane the less volatile the fuel, i.e., the more resistant to detonation. I suspect there's a perception out there that race cars use high octane and therefore high octane must make cars fast. In reality race cars must use high octane because of high compression ratios. Modern cars that "require" premium fuel do so for the same reason: they have higher compression ratios. If your car does not ping under load then higher octane does you absolutely no good. It simply costs you more. It is true that premium fuels may have better detergent additives than the cheap stuff but that's a separate issue.

I agree that the main effect of most additives is to make the owner feel better.

Cool, I did not know that about octane ratings. So it's actually related to compression eh? Fascinating...

All this time I'd assumed that a higher octane gasoline was more pure and more flammable than a lower one... Ya learn somethin' new every day! :)

I have not used KMax , however I have used an injecter cleaner in our Camery and it made a difference in the runability of that little four banger. If the stuff is a fuel additive it SHOULDENT hurt anything . As far as raising the compression , sounds like snake oil talk to me . I wont use any additive in the oil thou . I use good premium oil and there is no need . If you try to '' flush'' the engine you can dislodge particlules that can block oil passages , not a good thing. If you think the oil or the engine is dirty inside change the oil more often , this is what the additives and the filter are for. If you want to add something to the fuel buy some Marvel Mystery oil and add 3 or 4 ounces to the tank of gas . Agan it won't hurt anything and it will provide some upper cylinder lube. If the engine is tight , high compression , you may find that it may ping on regular gas . If this is the case try Plus. ''goober huh '' :rambo:

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