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Not my post....

I'm not looking to copy anything just looking for ideas....

G U L P!!!!

Would someone please pass the salt? Maybe that way I can stand the taste of my nasty feet!!

Lance, I apologize. For some reason or another my Alzheimers or whatever must have kicked in extra hard!

:stupid: :stupid: :stupid: LOLLOLLOL


Now thats a paint job. DO IT!!!!! LOL.

Id go for the candy apple red thou. Like this.

Minus the lambo doors though, right? LOL

When it comes to paintjobs, I prefer simplicity done right. I am more prone to admire a car that's just a single, simple color with a few subtle touches than an extravagant multi-colored car done over the top...

When I get the funds/time my Z is going to be repainted the same or a similar color, but with the addition of twin, black racing stripes favoring the driver's side. Simple elegance. :squareeye


That's a heck of an active imagination you've got mate !!!!!.

Before I met the second love of my life, my dream was to have a '39 -- '40 Ford coupe painted a nice, deep emerald green with a gold pearl top coat and all the chrome done in gold chrome.

Had I not decided to keep "Precious" as original as possible, that's the colour scheme I would have used.


:devious: :devious:

G U L P!!!!

Would someone please pass the salt? Maybe that way I can stand the taste of my nasty feet!!


Not a problem, try horse radish instead of salt, I find it much better at covering the flavor whenever I have my foot in my mouth :)

Bemmerguy, That candy is pretty, but candys have their own problems and reds are getting so expensive. I am really starting to think about going with something simple, just because no matter how long I sit and stare at the cars lines I can't come up with anythng that flows with the lines besides flames, and everything has flames anymore. Oh well, I still have time to cook something up, maybe I just mix up all the leftovers in the shop and come up with my own never to be matched yuck color ! :)

Candy is dandy.... but it's a real b!tch to make sure it's even everywhere. And forget about touchups.


Custom paint jobs, IMO, are normally done on vehicles to highlight or emphasize specific body lines, features, or ..... Flames are usually done to emphasize a car's "speed" or the look of speed. Again as you pointed out they're common and almost mundane unless you go for that "real fire" look that one painter has devised.

If you're really looking for something UNIQUE, you need to step away from all the "typical" looks. This is where the true artist can emphasize...well, that's where the artist steps in and describes his idea.

Remember this though, a CUSTOM paint job will have as an inherent fault, the problem of "repairability". As you know, it's almost impossible to repair a candy paint job. Special colors are also bad, especially if they've aged or been damaged by UV. Any kind of air brush art....again, you normally can't "fix" it.

As a suggestion, look at the colors that are available TODAY over the colors that the cars was originally and choose one that you feel will really set the Z off. Personally, I like that Metallic Sunset Orange (Name?) on the new 350Z, and have seen pictures of that on a 240....that does look extremely nice.




I'm 100% on what you said, I'm starting to think about White, easy on the eyes, hides less than perfect bodywork.... I guess for me this job has turned into one that when it is finished will be a one of a kind, my Z.... Problem is I'm only an artist with the tools... not the artist with the artistry... I'll drop in at a car lot an look at some new colors, maybe they will spark something...

Ha ha, so we've gone from "full custom paint" to "white"?!

Kind of goes against the "If you could do anything..." theme of this thread.

Love that candy-apple red - was that car at a "gullwing door" convention or something? Every car in the background seemed to have swing-up doors.

Ha ha, so we've gone from "full custom paint" to "white"?!

Kind of goes against the "If you could do anything..." theme of this thread.

Love that candy-apple red - was that car at a "gullwing door" convention or something? Every car in the background seemed to have swing-up doors.

no but good observation. It was at "truck jam 2005". THere was this small corner with cars. I found this car and guess what. Its not a BMW!!!!! U beleive that. I fell for it. I really though it was a bimmer. It has the new 7 series front end and the mercedes 500 series rear end. i'll post a pic if someone wants to see it.

It started out as a monte carlo!!!!

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