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The best thing to do if you are being followed by some nut, is to drive straight to the nearest police station.

And bemmerguy714, It was a dumb move posting what you did to the guys car on a public forum. Confessing to vandalising somebodys car, nomater what they did you you is still a confession. Better hope the cops dont read this forum, or you'll find youself on the wrong side of the law.

...So we are both even doing like 90. I downshift to third and the benz flys by him. I pull in front of him barely...

...and told him to keep his arse in his cheap $200 peice of $^!# accord before i knock his arse out...

I'm going to have to teach him a little lesson...

...He is in front on me when the lane is one (this is seconds before he cut me off) I decide to make my own lane. I squeeze my benz in between his peice of $^!# and the side of the road. I maybe had 2 inchs (my drivers side mirror to his passanger side mirror). I'm now in fonr of him and a little way later the lane turns into two. He trys to get in front of me but i wont let him :finger:...

...I dodge traffic for a while then nail 122mph...

...Hes about to see me drive a benz like i stole it. :devious: THe light turns green i slam the gas as hard as i can making a left (again the car handles great and i lose him on the straight away (harbor blvd in costa mesa if ur still following me). IN and out of traffic...

...I later remembered the neighborhood he came out of him. Me and my freands later paid him a visit in my freands impala. Lets just say his accord will be off the road for a while. It now looks uglier than it was when he was messin with me...

Crap like this is why it should be much more difficult to get a driver's license in this country. I guess i'll be the one to say it, YOU are the kind of guy this thread is about, thanks for your contribution.

e racer1999 Is the guy we should feel sorry for he's the one who got punched it the eye !!!! I got some serious eye damage about ten years ago from one of these altercations !!!!

Hope the police catch the guy who hit you !!!! e racer1999 But about now I bet you wished it never happened some way to screw up a nice day !!!!

Yeah, you might want to get that eye checked out e_racer1999. There are some pretty fragile paper thin regions in the bone surrounding your eyes, it's something definitely worthy of having someone look at. Something that might not hurt that bad now can cause trouble down the line.

Getting hit in the eye in real life isn't always the hollywood depiction with the universal symptom of a black ring and the universal cure of a bag of ice.



What you did was just plain DUMB mate. You should've done what I always do when faced with a similar situation. Give the damned fool enough room to overtake and watch his tail lights disappear into the distance. Don't give him the :finger: , or LOL at him, or tell him he's :stupid:. That's just asking for trouble.

Judging from your narative, I'd say you were as much to blame as he was.

122 mph in a WHAT speed zone ?

Losing him then slowing, which allowed him to catch up ? Huh !!! sounds to me like you were tantalising him, almost goading him on.

On the other hand, are you sure you hadn't been watching Fast and Furious before sleep ?????

e racer 1999'

As inf has suggested, get that eye of yours checked out. You can't be too careful when it comes to your eyes mate. Hope the cops get the bum who hit you and that you don't bruise too easily.


:devious: :devious:

when she says this, he jumps into his truck and tries to run her over, but runs out of room (there was a lot of weird maneuvering going on). eventually, the light turns green and he sppeds off, but luckily we got all his info...

Sue his arse for two things. Bring him to criminal court for attempted assult with his truck and also sue him in the civil court for the time you've been put out of work and/or problems you've had with your eye.

From the way the guy acted, he probably doesn't have much to take. But, you'll be able to get something out of the deal with his insurance.

You have to be careful who you mess with anymore. Who knows if this guy was on drugs or just pissed off at the world. Or imagine if it wasn't his fist but a big knife....

Both of you are lucky. Hopefully it was his vehicle and not stolen so you can find out where he is at and sick the lawyers on him.


PS: (FYI: I am not an attorney or attempting legal advice, this statement is merely a suggestion based on my personal opinion and not the opinion of the club. Perhaps the other best thing to do is to walk away with your health and check it off as experience?).


What you did was just plain DUMB mate. You should've done what I always do when faced with a similar situation. Give the damned fool enough room to overtake and watch his tail lights disappear into the distance. Don't give him the :finger: , or LOL at him, or tell him he's :stupid:. That's just asking for trouble.

Judging from your narative, I'd say you were as much to blame as he was.

122 mph in a WHAT speed zone ?

Losing him then slowing, which allowed him to catch up ? Huh !!! sounds to me like you were tantalising him, almost goading him on.

On the other hand, are you sure you hadn't been watching Fast and Furious before sleep ?????

e racer 1999'

As inf has suggested, get that eye of yours checked out. You can't be too careful when it comes to your eyes mate. Hope the cops get the bum who hit you and that you don't bruise too easily.


:devious: :devious:

I cant argue. Ur right. It was dumb for me to tease him. And i am just as guilty as the other guy. I did try to leave the confrontation thou. I when i did speed off then i slowed down because i dont want to get a ticket not because i wanted to tease him. I thought he had gotten over it. I thought wrong. But u are right. I was wrong. :ermm:

What concerned me the most while reading your narrative was all the innocent people on the road that could have been injured by all the immature and dangerous racing, bobbing a weaving that was going on. About twenty years ago I had some fools in a Toyota pickup chasing after me in my old '64 Chevelle SS. I don't know what their game was but out here in rural America I used the open highway to pull away from them, but worried about being ticketed (it happened once before in a similar situation) I slowed down and here they came again, got ahead of me and slammed on their brakes in front of me and sped off. I pulled off the road and waited and then proceeded on my way. Then they'd come back. I felt like I was in that old movie Dual. Now I couldn't just go to a police station because the next town was several miles off. Couldn't call from a cell phone because, nobody had such a thing. My younger brother and I had gone to a bigger town to pick my youngest brother who had just flown back from Army bootcamp. Anyway this went on for miles. Eventually they sped off and as we came around a corner they were parked off the road waiting for us again. Enough was enough. We pulled over, the two guys got out of their truck and then, when the three of us, (one 6' 6" and two 6' 2") got out of my car they turned tail and sped off in their truck. Nowadays, at least in the U.S. we'd never have left the car, some idiot with a gun could have piled out and started blasting. Funny, but in rural America where nearly everyone has a gun at home, we don't have nearly the shooting problems as they do in the cities -- but times have changed some. Another time, late at night some one decided it would be fun to tailgate me with their bright lights on. I kept going faster and faster to get out of the reach of his/her high beams and of course going about 80 mph I saw a State Trooper with the WSP out of the corner of my eye. Thank God the Trooper must have figured it out because he pulled over the other car and I just kept going the 50 miles I had left until I got home.

It's best to avoid these kind of situations all together, but if you can't do like was suggested go to a police station if one is nearby. No one can say what sets these type of people off, maybe they just don't like your car, or it represents a challenge to them. Sometimes its fueled by alcohol or worse. Stay safe everyone.

Drew Rick and Mike are right on. Ive done some DUMB sh*t in a car before, maybe even stupider than what Matt was up to (I have a REALLY bad temper) and luckily nothing ever happened. It took a high school friend of mine to kill himself and almost a few others with his bmw for me to realize all this. Now anyone who wants to ride my arse or play "who has the biggest testicles" just gets a turnsigal and a friendly nod. I get on with my day and sometimes if the day is going great, I see him a mile down the road with a state trooper riding his arse. :P

Hope the eye gets better and everythings all good.


When I hear of road-rage in my town on the TV news, they give you some advice:

Just say "Have a nice day" and go on your way, driving correctly. Any words, or even looks, just tell the other person you're interested in mixing it up with him.

Even if you are getting tailgated by an angry person, just drive according to the speed limit, weather conditions, and motor vehicle law. That way YOU are covered.

Have a nice day.

About 2 miles from my house a guy was cut off during the morning commute by an older lady. He ran her down in his pickup, hit her and turned her sideways. She went across the center divider and her car rolled into oncoming traffic. Apparently the guy was so pissed that he got out of his truck and was yelling at her while she was dying in the car, upside down.

When I was younger I had a bad attitude but at some point I figured out that you don't know what the other guy is cutting you off for. Maybe he's trying to get to the hospital. Maybe he's a raving psycho. Maybe he's on drugs. Maybe he never even saw you there. I take it to the track now and try to leave people alone on the streets.

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