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Here’s one here from the Washington DC area this past week. VDOT (Virginia Dept of Trans) had just remarked one of the many 4 lane roads around here so that both lanes on my side now went straight. Prior to this change the left lane was for a left turn only. Naturally obeying the new road signs I am in the new lane that goes straight and when the light turn green Off I go. Next to me in the right hand lane is our jerk!!!!, who immediately cut me off and gives me the one finger salute telling me that I can’t go straight from the lane I am in. You all know the type, the one that thinks he is god’s gift to the roads and can do no wrong. I being an old fart, I ignored him and pulled around him (60 plus in a 35). Apparently my ignoring and passing him set him off again and he started tailgating me and trying to run me off the road. At the next light he pulled up and was saying various things about my mother, what he wanted to do to me and other things that irate people are known to do at street lights. This time I return his salute and turn left. He cut off the person behind me and followed. Now the fun begins. Looking down the road I see about a ¼ mile ahead one of the local Police pulled in at a 7-11 giving a ticket (Unmarked car.) So I pulled into the 7-11 and park next the unmarked cop car. God bless stupid people, this jerk comes screeching in behind me and skids to a stop blocking me in and the cop Jumps out of his car with a bat and is screaming at the top of his voice that he was gona kick my @%^. Smiling, I point to the officer that now has his gun pulled out and pointed at him and quietly asked him to repeat the statement that he had just made. Need less to say the person in question got a very large ticket and was lucky that he was not hauled away. The Original person getting the ticket was let go with a warning and I was asked if I would like to press charges. I grinned at the cop and said I think that he had had enough fun for the day and I declined. As a parting shot at stupid I informed him about the Change in road signs and street markings which the cop confirmed and that he should pay more attention to what was going around outside the car then to what ever he was doing inside the car.

(A possible Moral to this story is: once in a while a cop really is where one should be when you need one)

Damn! That was a great story......wished to hell I could have seen that one!!!

if only i could have reached my tire iron...... :D

It is a good thing you couldent. You would be in the gray bar hotel for asualt with a deadly wepon ( ADW) . Not a good thing . Also he could come back and could have said that he was in fear of his life , because you had the deadly wepon and he could have used deadly force to protect himself. You see how this crap can get out of hand . As it stands now you can go after him for assult and battery .

A locked door and a rolled up window is probably the best defense, if the window goes it's really time to consider yourself in harms way... and then time to take the necessary action to defend yourself... of course the best action ever is to keep yourself out of harms way, trouble is as you have found, these people seem to be looking for it... I keep thinking of the Darwin awards and keep thinking that the gene pool needs more chlorine...

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