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Howdy guys.

Its been a while since I've gotten onto this site and I'm sure nobody remembers who I am (if they ever knew). But anyways, I have a small problem with my 74 260, the reverse is out. I've been perfectly fine with pushing it out of certian parking spots but now that school is coming back in it is just way too hectic in the parking lot to do such a thing. I'm figuring that the transmission fluid must be very dirty, therefore, it will not go in reverse. What I am asking is how would I get about draining the transmission fluid to refill it. I have fairly good mechanical prowess so I doubt that anything wouldn't be that hard of a task for me.


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will not go into gear at all ? or will grind and not go in or does it feel like the gear just doesn't exisit? when I had a gear failure mine acted like the reverse wasn't there and if you forced it it would grind but you had to really force it alot, never hurts to change the fluid and go from there, good luck

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Sounds like a problem with the gear box gate. I had a friend with a similar problem couldn't get his Z out of first gear being a mechanic of course he fixed it quite easily but I didn't get to see what the exact problem was I just remember him saying it was a problem with the gearbox gate.

If she won't go into reverse try 2nd gear then reverse see if that helps. Can you get it into reverse with the engine off?

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it just feels like the gear doesn't exsist. I have tried every single way that ya'll mentioned but none of them work. There's no grinding at all. If you put it into reverse it will just sit yhere or roll if you are on a hill. I'll go take a look at the reverse fluid.

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