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Nice... only draws 5.8Amps & is rated at 5500hours between rebuilds.

I'm pretty impressed by the specs and have one on order & due to be delivered soon.

I got it because I drive the Z every day 120miles roundtrip on my commute to and from work and find myself often at a crawl in L.A. traffic where I do see coolant temps climb a bit at times since our cooling is after all engine rpm dependent... Especially with the past couple weeks where the San Fernando valley has been sweltering in 100-108degree heat...

I'll report back with results once it's in and in use.

Maybe someone on here has already gotten one installed on their car?


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So are you also installing an electric fan also?? or are you adding the electric pump to boost the mechanical??? I think an electric fan w/o the pump would have been the way to go, airflow through the radiator is what cools, increasing the fluid flow without increasing the cooling air will only allow less time for the fluid to be cooled in the radiator probably causing instead of cureing an overheating problem.

are you adding the electric pump to boost the mechanical???

Hi Lance, he's installing a replacement for the belt driven pump. He'd have to add an electric fan as well. Here's a link.....http://www.csr-performance.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=SC&Category_Code=N_WP


Ah OK, I understand now :) Thanks for the link Chris!

You're welcome. I've drooled over this for about 2 years now. Just dont like messing up systems that already work. I have the 4 row radiator in mine now and she runs cool even when its over 100. 165 degree thermostat helps in Nebraska summers.


I already have an electric fan...

When we're actually moving the Z behaves fine even on the hottest days...

LA being what it is though I find myself often stopped in bumper to bumper traffic - particularly going home in the evening when driving through the San Fernando valley - that's where with the engine turning at only 700rpm in idle and the outside temps hovering over the 100deg mark that i start to see my temp gauge act up...


Got it in the mail yesterday.

Pretty impressed so far.

The actual pump is a modular unit that bolts into a billet adapter plate in the shape of our water pump opening in the front cover. The pump can be specified in several differenct color finishes - I chose black. It comes with requisite new bolts and a note to install a 15amp fuse inline with the pump.

5500 hour service life & knowing the Z gets driven on average 3-4hrs a day over the course of the week means that it's going to be on there for some time to come...

I'll install it this weekend and report back.


the idea is great but it scares me. What if it fails? My stillen supercharger on the 350 has an electric water pump powering the intercooler, and I've had 3 of them fail. Fortunately, stillen has sourced a new manufacturer, and its working good so far, but losing an intercooler pump is nothing compared to losing your cooling system.

Well so far so good...

Install went off without a hitch.

Here's some pics of the pump.

I swapped out the stock 35" alternator belt and now have a 28.5" belt which does the trick just fine.

I already have a newer alternator from an 81 ZX.

So far so good as far as that's concerned.

Morning was cold and grey for once here in L.A. so I can't report back yet on any kind of temperature savings...



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