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Has anyone used a series II 240Z console in a Series I? I'm looking for the forward location of the shifter hole as I am using a T5 from an 83 turbo ZX in my 71 240. If it will fit, what was done with the fuse block? Does anyone have a junk console I could tr to see if it would fit? I'm in NJ. Thanks.


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Boy are you asking for a lot.

First off, not too many people are going to swap out a Series I console for a Series II. Additionally, those that would, don't normally have the additional modification of a changed tranny.

That may be why you're not seeing any responses either here or at zcar.com.

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I know lots of people swap out the tranny on a series I! Most people just modify the leading edge of the shifter hole in the console because of the interference with the shifter when using a later style trans. The T5 shifter is in the same location as the Nissan trans but I'm using an aftermarket shifter from a Mustang and this shifter is much beefier so the little bit of console trimming will become too much. That's why I want to try a 72-73 shifter, the shifter hole is about 2.5 inches forward.


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I am not familiar with the T-5 trans but I do know that the 240 series I and series II consoles are the same. If the shifter on the T-5 is the same as the '72 and later style Z & ZX trans then you just have to trim the trans tunnel about 1 inch and do a little trim work on the console itself. I didn't have to take out much when I went to a Z 5-speed. You can hardly see the difference and I was able to keep my ash tray and fuse block in their original location.

Hope it is helpful!

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