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I recently purchased a 1971 z, totally original, and am having some very minor paint work completed (the dime-sized rust spots behind each front wheel in teh fender were the only bad areas! - trying to keep original paint on rest of car, as it is almost 100%). Remainder of paint, under spare tire, floors, etc are all mint. Anyway, the car has the original am radio w/power antenna (and working clock, w/o cracks in dash!), but the original owner put an fm converter behind the pass seat in '72. I am removing this, and making sure the orignal radio works...how many speakers were in an original z, and where were they located? There are two speakers in the rear panels above the spare tire, and honestly, i can't tell if they should be there or not. If they are not original, any idea on where (beisdes EBay) I can get these two panels?

Great site, great forums.

OHHH, two more last q's - the chrome on my rear bumper, center section, is not that great...these seem to be impossible to find...any ideas? and do the Eurpoean front bumpers (w/o guards) bolt directly in place? I would sacrifice a little originality for this cleaner look, as mine has the extra bar in the middle, which I do not care for...

Sorry for the q's, thanks in advance-Jody

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...rust spots behind each front wheel in teh fender...

....original am radio w/power antenna (and working clock, w/o cracks in dash!), but the original owner put an fm converter behind the pass seat in '72. I am removing this, and making sure the orignal radio works...how many speakers were in an original z, and where were they located? There are two speakers in the rear panels above the spare tire, and honestly, i can't tell if they should be there or not....

...chrome on my rear bumper, center section, is not that great...these seem to be impossible to find...any ideas?

.. and do the Eurpoean front bumpers (w/o guards) bolt directly in place? I would sacrifice a little originality for this cleaner look, as mine has the extra bar in the middle, which I do not care for...

Sorry for the q's, thanks in advance-Jody

Those rust spots are very typical. Look in my gallery for a highly recommended fix. The fix is basically to extend the cowl drain hose all the way to below the lower edge of the fender. This channels the water OUT from behind the fender and also eliminates leaves and other debris from collecting back there. The leaves are what (typically) cause the rust back there.

The ~original~ radio, depends on whether it's an EARLY 71 or LATE 71. A true blue EARLY 71 might only have had the AM radio without the FM feature at all. Then, it MIGHT have the Auto-Scan feature. Press on the tuning knob to see if it depresses to determine if it should have the auto scan.

A late 71 would have an AM/FM radio, but still with only one speaker. The addition of a 2nd speaker wasn't too difficult and some owners did so only to increase the volume. If the FM converter isn't too obvious or unsightly, I'd leave it. There's very few AM stations to peruse.

Rear Bumper Center Section looking bad? Get it re-chromed if it's straight. If it's bent, take it to the rechromers and see if he can straighten it. Otherwise? Sorry, there isn't an otherwise choice. Those bumpers are NLA, and very highly sought items, i.e. EEEEK-spensive.

The "European" bumpers don't have the RUBBER strip holes on them, nor the "Over-riders" or Bumper Guards. If you're eliminating the "vertical" bumpers, those are the Bumper "Over-Riders" (to use Datsun's term), and you can do so and just fill the hole with a chrome carriage bolt. If on the other hand you're referring to the rubber mounting holes, the only way is to fill with carriage bolts OR weld and have them rechromed.



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