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does anyone have this color on their Z? my 280 came from the factory with this color and i wanted to see how it looked... Im leaning more towards yellow ( like lamboghini yellow ) but i like to see Z's with the factory colors. If anyone has a Z with this color pics would be appreciated! =)

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The color you are describing is the color of my 77 280, unfortunately I do not hvae any pictures of the car on this computer in order to show you what it looks like.

But, like you , Im not totally sold on it. Everyone that sees my Z likes the color due to the combination of the hood vents being painted gloss black, the interior is solid black, carpet, seats, all the glass is tinted at 20 % , the front and rear bumpers are orginal and in excellent shape , the car has 16 in chrome rims on it as well, so what you have is gold , black and chrome. It does look good , but Im thinking of having it repainted and there is the problem , as much as I hate to agree the current color combinations does look pretty darned good, but I have a real problem spending the money on a new paint job just to repaint the veh in the existing color, if Im gonna spend 2-3000 then I want a color that will pop, or at least so that its apparent that the veh was painted.

As much as I think the above , sometimes when I look at her, I think well ya know the gold does look good and maybe people are right about how good the car looks in this color, guess its the contrast of the black and chrome with the gold along with the tinted windows, who knows

You have the correct color code, although if I do stay with gold , I think I might have it lightened some, possibly to more of a sand color with the same color combination , the chrome and the black although I am going to have a rally stripe painted on this time , I think.

Man this is so confusing , just when I have my mind made up I change it again , like you I like yellow as well with a black rally stripe and the black interior although I might have yellow stiched into the seats if I do that.

For now , fortunately the paint is in excellent shape so Im going to wait until spring before I finally make up my mind on the what to do as far as a color

Good luck in picking out your color, I hope its not as confusing for you.

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