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another wont start thread......

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Hi guys, i just purchased a 76 280z, however it wont start.......when i put in the key and turn, it turns over, and sounds like its close to starting..but wont start......I just replaced the plugs........still not starting, what should i try next, starter?! Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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check to seee if its getting gas at the lines and if not try blowing compressed air through them because they may be clogged, also see if its gettin spark at the ignition coil bu pulling the coil wire out of the Distributor cap and holding it 1/4 of an inch above some metal ( either the fender or unibody). If itzs getting spark there then move onto the plugs and remove a plug put the wire back on the plug and hold it above the fender/ unibody to see if its sparking. Once uve done this give me your results and we can take it form there

ok, well i checked the fuel lines, and i have found that there are a few fuel lines next to the manifold and the injectors leaking. I dont understand why this would make the car not start......but i will go and test out the cap, and wires in a second. Thanks!

Make sure you get FI (Fuel Injection) rated hose. Napa has a pretty good selection of hose. Ask for H202 5/16" FI hose. Should run you about $12.00-$14.00 for two (2) feet. Might want to check the condition of "ALL" fuel related hoses while you're at it. You'll be surprised at what you find, so you might want to make yourself a list of what all needs replaced and work your way thru the list and check them off your list as you replace them.


cool, I just got back from O' Reilly's and bought 4' of the fuel line hose, just incase i find more leaks......i pulled off the leaking one, and it sounded as though some air was coming out too........would a bad fuel line cause the car to not start?!

ok, i am going to check for spark in a minute, i noticed that on the 4 female connector little fuse box(i think its the ignition relay box) on the left side of the engine(looking from the front) One of the wires is coming loose, maybe that could be causing it? I will take some pics later......thanks for the help guys!

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