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intake-engine-throttle! air hoses!?!?!?

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guys I'm lost here, I joined the PCV valve with the block under the intake manifold, sice then that engine die under 1000RPM and very strong vacum pressure in the engine (flet and heared when openning the upper valve cover cap) and at that time also dies even on 1000RPM!

I guess that I have a mixed up hoses coz the 1978 owners manual shows that there s a hose that goes from the valve cover to the rubber between the flowmeter and the throttle body, but on my Z the hose goes to a junction which leads to the throttle body just after the throttle!

does anyone have a diagram for the hosing system? or a picture of an original

"1977" z engine??

thank you

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thanx man, and the pic is good enough to view the "difference" that i have on my car!

i attach a photo, does anyone have the same hosing? or i should remove the junction right afther the valve cover hose which leads to the throttle?

help plz! :(


I thought we had a thread on this earlier. It seems that there was a voluntary factory recall that involved some kind of rerouting of those hoses. So there are a couple of different ways that they hoses may be set up depending if you car had the modification or not.

I found the thread: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18212

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