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I wish i was smoking the other stuff

I might upload the pic with the foil around it opp ithink i all ready have LOL


Question how much power does it take to cut out conrod bearings is 30 days 33 cc in chamber ?

Question lower compression to 45 cc in the chamber 20" n 30" shells, lasts for 8 months how much power?

Run an engine WOT with ~28 degrees too much advance

Question how long will the pistons last ?

fact wheels used to spin easly in second gear ,provided they were spinning in 1st

Question how much HP?

so these are some of the things i have allready done and will do again

there are real performance gains

fact going from L20 b cam to L18 cam reduced knocking by a few degrees

fact knocking was heard above 3000 Rpm @ 3-4 BTDC L20 b cam

Question calculate Engine VE?

So im willing to use anything and everything

So think about this

feed you engine with a liquid slussie of fuel an O2

then push the compression through the roof to insane levels

blow up a few engines in the process ,been there

in theriory you have just made a refigrator that works at 6000 rpm

The perfict engine

Copyright 2005 By smokingwheels@yahoo.com

PS: My Grandfather was a dentist so i can't show my face on T.V.

well i didnt have smoking stuff on my mind but now you guys mentioned it


trying this


page 2

say no more ill probley get booted for this

The only reason we're saying you're smoking stuff is because you are making no sense at all. You are either smoking the happy-grass or you are 6 years old using your dad's computer. Which one is it?

may be i could send you sum mp3s of my lastest engine with

vac secondarys opening up with no load on engine

or upload them then you guys might think different

im away for a few days

Add some one way valves one on the engine air intake side and one on a cold air intake side. and if that does not work them the hole thing could be modified to administer the other type of smoke that SavannahZ refered too.

Now I was smoking the other day and I thought of how my car runs better on cold days than on a hot summer day, so...I thought I could install A/C on my Z, but route all the cold air produced by it, directly to my air horns...kind of a Datsun "RAM AIR" System providing me with the "cold" day effect and my car running better. any thoughts on this idea.

**"DATSUN "RAM AIR" Is a copyright of Jackboxxx Inc. Patent Pend.** :devious:

Its good to here someone is on the same page

Im looking at the smaller things like gaining .1 % more power

simple find enough of these and you will end up with more power than you had

yep its true the colder the air the more dense

you can patent that one

my idear is to make a foam box to fit in my wagon approx 1.2 CM then

use the aircon to cool the air in the box you should be able to get it down to - 20 c

then feed the air in unrestricted into you engine

for a burst of hmm about 10 seconds at WOT

you can get a sum cool tools free at http://www.turbofast.com.au/freesoftware.html

look at cfm rpm etc

Why? It's just two dam funny watching this guy stomp all over common sense, basic mechanics and physics........

My thoughts exactly! This thinking is way, way, way outside the box. Did you catch his response in the 'Engine missing above 5k' thread? :ermm:

Why? It's just two dam funny watching this guy stomp all over common sense, basic mechanics and physics. What's next? Electric leaf blower boost?

hmm well ok more flow than a vac

so about 5 kilopaslls boost hmm ~10kw increase for 2 kw drain off motor

so rewire the altnator split 3 phases add voltage doublers then put in series

summing the output

a guess of about 220 volts dc if you drive the rotor hard enought

it should handle 20 volts for short periords

I will have to try that one thanks for the incentive

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