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i just bought a 83 zxt to swap into my 240z, but i want to get it running good before i do the swap. I just bought the car, so i don't know much about the past work done on it and problems with the car. The owner actually said the car ran perfectly fine one week ago, and only started doing this after a potential buyer went to look at the car while he was gone and was able to pop the hood and look around since the car wasn't locked. The car starts and runs smooth and good at idle, but when the car is cold, it'll backfire sputter when revved. before it warms up, the rpms won't go past 1500rpm or so without heavy backfire and misfire. if i let the car idle for 10 mins and let it warm up a bit, it'll rev to 3000rpm before backfiring and missing. boost hit a max of 1-2 psi. I'm leaning towards fuel related problem. where should i start? Thanks.

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my 280z non turbo did this when i first got it. i had (well still have) bad piston rings . but i jsut changed my plugs and wires and it fixed the problem for a while ive had to clean the plugs 3 times in one month but the car is running fine. id also check your fuel pressure regulator. and your oxygen sensor. then if thats all good start checking vacume lines. thats all ic an really think of but im new to the z cars so yeah good luck

Sounds like ignition to me. I don't remember if the 83zx was distributorless or not... I think it was, huh guys? My 240 did the exact same thing with a bad condensor. The condensor's job is to absorb electric energy as the points are apart so the points don't burn up. If no condensor, look towards the electronic module, timing, or even firing order. I hate to suggest it, but if he (the 1st prospective buyer) wanted to buy some time, he could alter your firing order or timing some, and it still would start and idle fairly well. The minute you ask it to rev., however, it will complain.

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