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Last Friday, I went to the bone specialist and surgery has been planned for monday. Now, I have wires and pins in the left thumb base ans I have a cast for at least 4 weeks.

Today, I went to the body shop to pick up my garage door opener and by coincidence, my insurance company adjuster was there. I don't trust him at all. He asked me if a scratch and dent on my left door was there before the accident (a real sucker).

The faulty drive insurance has not sent yet somebody to assess the damages but sent me a letter that the coverage of their client was not sufficient. Futhermore, I received a phone call from the car rental company telling me that the insurance company (the faulty driver) was not assuming the cost involved. It seems pretty fishy because they gave an authorization the day of the accident.

Tomorrow, I will meet an injury attorney that has been recommended to me by a very trusted person. I have been told that the guy has restored collectors cars.

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Don't let the car problems interfere with getting well, stress can make any injury worse and longer lasting. Go with the flow and let your attorney handle things.

Since your are seeing him fill him in on what you know, perhaps he will take on more than the injury or have a good recommendation of someone to take over the rest.

If in your state you have underinsured or uninsured insurance, we have it in Indiana, your insurance company will be picking up the bill, but having an attorney suggesting that to them may come across a lot better than you hitting them with it. Stick with it and figure that it will take time, a lot more than you want to spend for sure but first and foremost it wasn't your fault and you shouldn't be the one to take the hit for it.

More than anything worry about your injury and getting better first, you work with your hands, they need to work right. A car can be repaired or replaced, health first.

And one tidbit I'll pass on that has carried me through some hard times, don't remember if I was told it, read it, saw it, or made it up.. "Don't ever quit, don't ever give in, to be beat fairly is one thing, quit or give in when you still have a chance and you will forfeit everything, if you loose fairly everything is forfeit anyway, so you have nothing to loose going all the way, never quit or give in."

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