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Hey guys, as some of you may know, i was taking my car out of my garage a little while ago and it just shut off, i could almost swear i saw some kind of white some come out of the hood vent or the cowl, and i could smell what i thought where wires or plastic burning. I replaced the fuel pump relay today, and still nothing. The problem is, the fuel pump is getting no power at all, when i hotwire the pump the car will flash, then die again. Sorry for making another thread about it guys, but i really need the car going again, seeing it sit there is really getting to me.

Thanks alot, any help is greatly appreciated.

P.S the relays should click when i go into the on position right? because there is no noise at all.

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"i could smell what i thought where wires or plastic burning"

"when i hotwire the pump the car will flash, then die again"

Sure sounds like an electrical issue to me. Must have been a short somewhere in the wiring which caused this. My opinion to you would be to go through all the electrical wiring and inspect it to find the damage and correct it. I know it's easier said than done because it can be like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. Hopefully you have a FSM. to help guide you.

Best of luck. Hope you get her running again soon.

Major headway tonight, got the car started 3 times, ran fine, fuelpump was getting power, and all everyting was running OK (guage lights are still out for some reason) anyways, i got it to start when i accidentally hit the fan control switch (on off, speed control) and i heard some relays clicking. That got me exited, so i started the car and it game me a bit of a backfire, so i moved the fan control switches a bit more and hit the console a bit....fired up just fine after that. But on the third time it wouldnt flash any more, but here's the really odd thing, anytime i play around with the fan switchs or shove the console around i can hear relays clicking. So i think tomorrow i will open up that entire area and see what's going on.....im almost positive thats where the problem is.....maybe some loose connection or somthing. Opinions?

I disconnect the battery every time im away from it. I keep thinking in my mind there's somthing behind the fan controls that is getting bumped around, but how likley is that? is there any wiring going from the drivers side to the passenger side that could have anything to do with a fuel pump?

Did you even read my response???? I think it's more than loose connections

If you don't have a FSM for your Z then I'd highly recommend getting one. The Factory Service Manual is the one and only book for the Z when it comes to working on it. Don't wast your time looking at haynes or chiltons manuals for a good electrical diagram. Youll find them disappointing.

When you were playing with the climate controls and trying to get the car to stay running, I hope you had a fire exstinguisher at hand :nervous:

Sorry, i did just get a fsm for a 77, but today somthing kinda bad/good happened. I opened up my relay box for and moved my fuel pump relay, and it pulled a bit on the main enginebay harness..... then i heard that damn sizzling, and a huge burst of smoke blew into my face, coming right out of the main harness.....so its gotta be a short somwhere in there....at least i found the problem area.

Yeah, just like I thought :) Keep that battery disconnected man. Your asking for a fire every time you connect those cables to the battery. I'd quit playing around with the electrical wiring with the battery CONNECTED. Your not only increasing the odds of causing an electrical fire and risking having your Z catch fire but your also putting YOURSELF at risk of injury. Go through and Inspect that whole harness and find the problem and get it corrected WITH THE BATTERY DISCONNECTED. from the way it sounds (sizzling and smoking) that engine room harness won't be repairable and will have to be filed in the trash.

Again, good luck and be safe :) Congrats on purchasing your FSM. You'll be damn glad you have it.

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