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if i had that road i would speed too. I see both sides of this. I drive the 300 hard. im talking very hard. there is no day i dont pull the benz up around 6000rpm. i admit my foot is very heavy. But i take extreme caution. I make sure i know the area and roads very well. i also try to do it when no one is around. Of corse there is always the temptation of a rice burner coming up to u and reving the wizz out of his 4 banger and its on. I think there is a right time to speed and a wrong time to speed. In this case with an empty road like that, i think its excellent. Im sure cremmenga knows what the possibilitys of getting hurt are. i think most people who speed know that consequences.

SavannahZ, the i dont think people speed for bragging rights. Half the time no one is around to see anyway. I know i dont speed for that reason. What can be gained by going that speed? For me, its the thrill. its a really good feeling when u are by yourself and a car makes u smile when no one around to see. For some it may not take speeding, just crusing can do that for some. For others Thats what they need to do.

Come on now. Think back to when u guys were younger (for some that may be a really long time ago LOL jk!!!). Most cant say they didnt test the possibilities of they;re car and never go over the speed limit. :rolleyes: Just something to think about before u post a reply. :rolleyes:

I am with you, I love the adrenaline rush, the way when you are at a light and a ricer pulls up next to me,, i'm not gonna lie to you it flows so much that my legs shake, while pushing on the brake waiting!! it is probably the best feeling you can have.

Please note speeding and racing the car are different, you can speed safely but if your racing its different it wears the 30+year old motor more then cruising at a high speed. I enjoy "speeding" sometimes, but never race to that speed or at that speed. I see nothing wrong with speeding on that empty road(assuming its empty) as long as you have control if something were to happen. Just speed safe is what I always go by.

when I read the first part of the thread my reply was going to be...

I'm sorry, but going fast in a strait line is not that fun, espcilaly in a Z. (but I am a road racer). Where I live there are too manny back roads to count. I would hate to live somewhere with all strait roads. Controling the car in a corner is much more fun.

Having said that

then I read the rest of the thread. Most of you are smart resposible drivers. My driving a ford F350 utility truck to work (Over 10'000 lbs) I have a better understanding of road danger.

We need to be honest

I wont lie I was dumb once. i knew I was a better detter driver but I did not ignore the warnigs during my learnings to drive. I have spun, dodged (more than a few) dear in the past pluss some close calls. I always Knew that a motor vehicle is a very dangeros weapon. I would do my speeding at night, I figured if I could see the head lights comming I would be ok But there are many dear out here. (I drove a honda prelude '83). I would even memoize the drivesways, cross roads, and farm crossongs on my favorit roads to go slower in areas. Some times my friends would get togeather with scaners and CB raidos. we would go to a remote road and take turns having fun.(This was not safe). we even got cones and used tires, went to a local abandon air port and set up are oun auto cross corse (I thought for sure we would get busted) then a few months later we did it in the rain, that was a great learning experince.

a cupple year later I got ny Z. :love:

I used it as my daily driver to Sears Point Raceway where I inroled in the Jim Russel Mechanics traing program. 1 year working on the school race cars and driving them, (you pay for the program).

The race track is the place to have your fun.

That is when I dicited to make my Z track worthy now that have the money.

I might end up racing it but practice days are much cheaper and you drive at yor oun pace.

As far as crashing your invesrment is concernd...

Do you oun a Z that is original (go slower, good reason to keep car alive)?

Do you oun a Z that Is modified and must go fast? (we cant help it some times, it can be like an adiaction)?

comming around a corner over a rize and seeing three deer in the road, act quick (if you see three kids???)

There has been too many kids in my area making fatel mistakes lately. (Even at 55 mph) Highways can have debrees and draining ditches that are not car and driver friendly as race tracks have run off or walls (plus an ambulance and corner workers) to keep you "safer".

Have fun in your Z the best way you can!

SavannahZ, the i dont think people speed for bragging rights

The only reason I said that, is that it seems I have read in half a dozen posts how he went 180+ in his other car. I'm not into adrenaline rushes from doing that, but different strokes for different folkes. In the end, you can't predict what is going to happen in a public area. This is irregardless of the driver's abilities, car setup, or how much control one has over the variables(spotters).

Again, to each there own. I just think about my dogs running around or children being children and not paying attention...

The only reason I said that, is that it seems I have read in half a dozen posts how he went 180+ in his other car. I'm not into adrenaline rushes from doing that, but different strokes for different folkes. In the end, you can't predict what is going to happen in a public area. This is irregardless of the driver's abilities, car setup, or how much control one has over the variables(spotters).

Again, to each there own. I just think about my dogs running around or children being children and not paying attention...

You can't predict whats going to happen on a race track either!

For all the squawking that gets done about street racing or speeding, I wish they were as serious or more so about drunk driving. There are a lot more drunk drivers out there than speeders or street racers and they do a helluva lot more damage.

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