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Ever notice that even the Myth Busters do their automotive machinery tests on a runway or a track-controlled conditions-not subject to change conditions.

How many people own the land bordering that road. How many of those people have a relative with your same attitude?

Some one coming from the other direction with the same train of thought could be coming at you at the same speed-it is a public road after all-just where are you going to go by the time you two are together?

Some things to think about...

If two cars are traveling towards each other on a 2 mile stretch of road at the following speeds, they will pass each other(hopefully) in:

60mph one minute

80mph 45 seconds

100mph 36 seconds

120mph 30 seconds

140mph 25 seconds

160mph 22 seconds

Time your foot changing pedals from and to the floored position.

You will go somewhere between 117 and 400 feet in the time it takes to react(depending on your reaction time and speed).

It takes a stock 240Z more than 420 feet to stop from 100mph.

Even if you saw the other guy and hit your brakes immediately...

your complete dry uncomplicated stop from 100mph is almost a quarter mile ahead of you.

You may be that good of a driver with that good of a car, how well do you know the other guy and his equipment?

This does not take into consideration the 4 wheeler or dirt bike that just tried to cross the street at 45mph perpendicular from behind the barn.


...snip...obviusly if i speed iknow the conditions, roads and any hazards. ...snip.... People who chose to speed like i do know the responsibility. I know and ive seen many pictures. Thats why when ever i do its in conditions where know one is around.

Sounds like a very "experienced" 17 YEAR OLD boy.

That means that you have at BEST, 20 months of licensed driving behind you. Which of course gives you the THOUSANDS of miles of experience the rest of us have logged. Of course you know exactly what to worry about and have the YEARS of experience to know what, where, how, and why to avoid certain dangers.

Like the typical smart-aleck know-it-all teenagers you both seem to be, you fail to realise that the reason we're all advising you to NOT do it, is because we HAVE done it and have either almost paid the price or seen friends of ours actually pay the price. Sometimes the price is your life. Other times the price is a loss of a limb or two, maybe an extended stay in the hospital, and often times a lot of worry and anguish by your family. But since you know all the answers, go ahead. Just make sure you take out some form of insurance to help your family out of the financial hole you will be throwing them into.

Don't you think the rest of us who have SURVIVED those years remember friends of ours who did NOT? Excuse us for having cared enough about you as to offer words of caution.



Why not just leave the Chevy engine in the Chevy and wreck that car. Why waste a Z car trying to prove how fast you can go.

Someone is always faster so whats the point. All I can think of is blown tire and bye, bye. People are killed everyday for that on controlled freeways at just 55 mph.

Have fun, we'll be reading about you in the obits and trying to salvage what, if any, parts are left of your Z.


I've been to Kearney. It's a beautiful place to live. Be responsible. Live long and enjoy it. Enjoy it from the drivers seat of your Z. Not a wheelchair. Or from behind windows with bars. Share the beauty with your wife and children. Share the thrill of the Z with your grandchildren. Your future is not only your's but theirs also.

I'm not just showing my age, i'm not trying to be a brat like the guy on tv. i'm sorry if you don't like the way I drive. think back 46 years ago when you where my age, didn't you live alittle on the edge?

Hell yes I was a LACity Fireman . And I pulled plenty of people out of wrecked cars as well as from fires. I did my fast driving on the drag strip , not on the street , at least like the speeds you are talking about. I lived on the edge for over 22 years . GARY

Yair Gary,

In my book the unsung heros of this world are the firies, cops and ambos. They see the worst side of the accidents.

That's the question I've been asking of our lead footed friends. I seriously doubt that they have seen first hand a mangled body in a car wreck. I've seen more than my share and pray I never see it again. It's an experience that tends to lighten the foot on the accelerator pedal.

Others arguing against unnecessary excessive speed mention another vehicle.

Friends, ... it only takes the sudden, unexpected arrival of an animal, be it a horse, a rabbit or, in the case of the bloke I mentioned previously, a kangaroo leaping in front of you to cause the loss of control of the vehicle by the simple, instinctive action of braking.

O.K, so it can happen on the track. But at least there is the immediate response of the ambulance crew. On a lonely stretch of highway medical assistance could be hours away.

You want to drive fast ???.. great mate, drive fast. But for the sake of your family, those who care about you and those who'll be expected to scrape you off the tarmac, show some maturity, sensibility and responsibility and confine your speeding to the track where it belongs.


:devious: :devious:

Yair Gary,

That's the question I've been asking of our lead footed friends. I seriously doubt that they have seen first hand a mangled body in a car wreck. I've seen more than my share and pray I never see it again. It's an experience that tends to lighten the foot on the accelerator pedal.


:devious: :devious:

I am a psych major and for some of the experiments I run, i use pics that I have taken from car crashes. we use these pics to get a sudden jump in the heart rate and then study differnet ways of calming people or how long it can take to return to normal. I have seen many very very bad sites. Some with people with there heads that are missing, limbs gone, etc. So I can say I have seen first hand a mangled body in a car wreck. I have even seen a suicied victim that laid down on the train tracks! that was probably the worst.

I've been away from this site for a while and so I just saw this thread and feel I should add a story that just finished near where I live in Colorado.

Towards the end of the 2004 school year a 17 year old guy was driving down a two-lane country road with 3 of his high school buddies. (I've driven the road where this happened and it looks a lot like the picture posted at the start of this thread.) They were going a "little too fast", maybe 15 miles over the speed limit, when they collided head-on with a car driven by a 77 year old man. Only the 17 year old driver lived.

A year later he was tried as an adult for 4 counts of manslaughter. Don't remember how long his jail sentence is - he may have worked out a plea agreement.

Also, there was some speculation that the other older driver was intoxicated. Didn't matter, 4 people died, and the lone survivor went to jail.

Yo cremmenga, I'll bet this guy thought he had taken all the precautions as well. I'm sure that just like you, he was sure it couldn't happen to him. I'm sure he thought he was a good driver - too good to make a mistake. Or maybe it was all the other driver's mistake. Who cares, 4 people are dead and the life of the lone survivor is ruined.

Is any of this getting through?

Take it out to the track. You'll have so much more fun anyway. If you haven't tried it, you have no idea what fun you're missing.

Lecture mode off.

I am a psych major and for some of the experiments I run, i use pics that I have taken from car crashes. we use these pics to get a sudden jump in the heart rate and then study differnet ways of calming people or how long it can take to return to normal. I have seen many very very bad sites. Some with people with there heads that are missing, limbs gone, etc. So I can say I have seen first hand a mangled body in a car wreck. I have even seen a suicied victim that laid down on the train tracks! that was probably the worst.

Seeing pictures on the internet, or even holding photographs in your hand isn't quite the same as standing in a pool of blood, guts, and entrails. Especialy if they belong to someone you know, OR you realize that you are responsible for the scene in front of you.

Nor is it the same as seeing and smelling the results of a body being torn apart first hand, 6 inches from where you are standing (or laying, if you were unfortunate enough to be involved). People screaming and moaning in pain; bystanders scared out of their wits.

Sorry to be so graphic, but it's a whole different experience when you are there LIVE and IN COLOR.

BTDT, wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Seeing pictures on the internet, or even holding photographs in your hand isn't quite the same as standing in a pool of blood, guts, and entrails. Especialy if they belong to someone you know, OR you realize that you are responsible for the scene in front of you.

Nor is it the same as seeing and smelling the results of a body being torn apart first hand, 6 inches from where you are standing (or laying, if you were unfortunate enough to be involved). People screaming and moaning in pain; bystanders scared out of their wits.

Sorry to be so graphic, but it's a whole different experience when you are there LIVE and IN COLOR.

BTDT, wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I was at a few! I took some of the pics! I know how it looks, I know the smell of blood and death. And yes it is a very bad deal. I too wish this on no man.

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