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So what are your opinions on other Z's? Im bored.

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I originally got interested in Z's with the purchase of my 90 300zx, as I went to Z meets/shows I fell in love with the 240z and 280z(s30 body). I can tell you guys that the owners of z32's absolutely love the s30's from the website I use(twinturbo.net), some hate when I show a pic of mine(75 280Z) b/c they want one. Also my dad has a 350z and he actually likes both the z32 and s30 better, he says to much chessy plastic in the 350z he even is thinkin of selling it and putting money in the 280z(1/2 mine, 1/2 his).

So what do you old school Z owners think of all the 84+ Z's?

I know some of you are like me and own more then one, so whats your opinion on each.

Sorry I am just bored and thought I would start a topic, probably already started in the past.

I am not very fond of the 300zx and newer Z's, really I am a bit of a snob and only like the 240-280 body stlye and even then I get elitiest and truly only prefer the 240 of which I like the series I the most. I have a series II, but I do still love my car.

I like the early cars 240-280 a lot and have since I was a kid. I really like the later 300zx and the 350z is the sexiest car on wheels. :laugh: Unfortunately, the designers of the 280zx and the early 300zx somehow lost their way. Not that I would mind having either one, they just don't have the "gotcha factor" that the other years have.

Well, for me the question would be what do I think of the 79+ ZX's. Yeah the new one should be a 350ZX. Once they changed the body style then even the company name, my interest thinned. My opinion has been stated before on this site and I don't feel a real need to go into that again in any kind of detail. The first three sentences should give you a clue of how I feel. I would prefer not to bash and that's exactly what I'd be doing if I went into detail. I have a feeling that the can of worms has been opened.....again!

I am also partial to the S30 series but, I also can appreciate the S130 as well as the Z31. I have driven a Z32TT from Atlanta to D.C. and the car was extremely comfortable on that long journey. However, I don't think I would want to own one given the cost of upkeep and the deteriorating parts availability from Nissan. The same problem holds true for the S130 and the Z31.

I have driven both of my ZX's to Florida and back on multiple occasions and the Z31 is the more comfortable of the two and is geared better than the '81 280ZX for highway passing and such. Strangely enough the '81 still gets better gas mileage than the '86 even though it is the older of the two. Just to compare I have driven the '77 280Z to Daytona Beach and it was a decent travel companion and even managed to see 26mpg!



The body style of the early models and the distinct clean lines of the 240 just do more for me than the ZX's ever did. A ZX might make a nice daily driver with A/C and amenities, but I really feel like I'm driving something that was meant to be driven when I'm in my 240.

A lot of Z fanatics didn't like the 350, but I think Nissan did a nice job of trying to do what the 240 did when it came out. It is an affordable sports car value with excellent performance. Every 350 they sell ensures the viability of the company which is a quality all its own as well.

The body style of the early models and the distinct clean lines of the 240 just do more for me than the ZX's ever did. A ZX might make a nice daily driver with A/C and amenities, but I really feel like I'm driving something that was meant to be driven when I'm in my 240.

I agree completely with this half of the post . I dissagree on the 350Z . With this car Nissan dropped the ball on design. They could have used a model more like the Honda 2000 or the Jag roadster for a profile line . Insted of the VW bug. Mechanicly and cost wise the 350z is a good car and maby a fine car , but for my self I will never own one . I would buy the RX-8 insted if I were looking for a brand new car . My 5c Gary

I have a 71' 240z and have had 3 other 240z's. I do like the looks of the 91' 300z but the 240z is and always will be my favorite.

I do appreciate the 260z, 280z, 280zx, 300zx, and 350z but the 240z is where it is at.

The 350Z has grown on me over the years... not enough to shell out $30K mind you, but as I see more of them on the street I have grown to like them.

Just today I saw what may have been my first sighting of a 240Z moving under its own power in Indianapolis! Now I really can't wait to get mine running... now that I have actually personally witnessed one running.

I was begining to believe they were a myth. ;-)

The trouble I have with the later Za after the '78 , is they all look so much like all the rest of the cars driving around. They just blend in and do not stand out. They are great cars despite the look alikes . The 350z does stand out but so does the audi and the VW Bug. They are just ugly . I just cant get past the bloted look . I bought a Camery when they changed into the new body , this car has been the best value for years. Nissan blew it with the 350. Look at the PT cruser . they couldent build them fast enough. It looks like a old '37 Ford or a custom hot rod . All over the retro is the in thing . Once more the "big builders " don't listen. It has happened before and will happen again . Style will sell , this is what was the appeal for the 240 , the '55 T Bird , and the Porsha . It seems that the ''they'' cant help but to make a good thing bigger and heaver , year by year . Compair the '57 vette to the latest offering. Compair the size and the performance of the two . Look at the the years of supposed developement in the last 48 years. Drop a plane crate engine that in produced today in a '57 vette body and you have a four wheeled rocket. Nissan give us some style !

Sorry , Openion , who has an openion . Not me shurely. LOL Don't get me wrong I truly love the Z . I favor the early car and have no interest in the later cars. But I also like the Morgan which most of our members wont even know what this is. LOL For the record it is the trugh real sports car. Oak frame and small engine , a roadster and no top. This is old school to the max. They are still being built in England . Maybe this is why I love the 240 Z it is a more pure sports car. No fluff , just a plane driver experience . Simple and great to behould. Gary

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