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Just wanted to vent my spleen over the buzzards that prey over the poor victims of MVA's. Today I was involved in a smash that has all but written off my precious 1974 260Z 2+2.

The accident happened no more than 500 metres from my home. In a rather confused state after the accident a tow truck driver thrust me some paper work which turned out to be an 'agreement' to allow him to tow my vehicle. I was in a mild state of shock and didn't think to ask how much it would cost. When we got the vehicle home he handed me a bill for AUS$204.

When I complained he said the costs were set by the State government. When I told him I had another car collected from over 50 kilometers away yesterday and it only cost me AUS$140 he told me that I had signed an agreement.

Tow truck drivers have received alot of bad press in New South Wales and do you know what? They deserved every f@#$%^g bit of it.

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Tow truck drivers in general are evil, evil people. They wait at "danger" zones waiting for accidents to happen, and race each other to accidents trying to get there first. I've seen tow trucks run red lights many times...

Also, I know of someone whos 2 month old Boxster blew up one night. Who was behind him? A tow truck. He was following because "there were sparks coming from under your car". Thats really low.

I feel sorry for you man, but just at least you're ok, and all in all thats what REALLY counts...

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Is there a case here for a triple-A card and a cellular 'phone??

I've had a couple of occasions over the past several years to call AAA Emergency Road Service and get my car towed - once home and once to a shop. Do you have American Automoble Association (AAA) equivalent in Australia? Here in the US, for ZmeFly's US$150 you can pay for 2+ years of an "unlimited mileage towing" membership in AAA (the tow is"free").

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If you get the Basic AAA there ARE limitations. Typically the tow can only be so many miles and it is always to the FIRST and CLOSEST repair facility that will repair what is wrong with your car. If you do not agree, and insist on taking the car else where, YOU are liable for the complete tow. You are also liable for charges exceeding a set amount, as well as distance.

Additionally, the number / frequency / type of calls are closely monitored. If you exceed a given number or too frequent or keep making the same type of call (flat / gas / battery), they WILL cancel your membership.

AAA Plus on the other hand, although more expensive, will give you that added security and benefit that the AAA Basic just barely covers.

In my experience, the added cost of a AAA Plus membership over 5 years can be justified in ONE call, so don't skimp here.

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