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A work colleague has the Bush quotes calendar.

Todays was something like " They have misunderestimated me ". - George W


"Inlighten me" Bill R.

Did they go to the same school?

No we didnt. And for your sake im going to pretend i didnt read that.

So what i made a typo

When the only tool you have is a hammer, all of your problems look like nails

A. Maslow

Just because all men are created equal doesn't mean they stay that way.

From the movie "As Good As It Gets": Melvin Udall (Jack Nicholson) on his technique for writing richly developed female characters.

"I imagine a man and take away reason and accountability."

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"

-Wayne Gretyzgree (I can't spell his name, but you know who I'm talken about"

"At 200mph, you have no friends"

-unknown land-speed record holder

"We have meet the enemy, and he is us."

-Napeloiean (can't spell this either, so sue me)

"God is a comdiean, playing to an audience too affraid to laugh."

-Voltaire (old philospher back in the, um, old days)

"To be on time is to be late. To be early is to be on time. To be late is to be left."

-my high school shop teacher

"Why should I be in the NSA? That's a good question, but I'll give it a shot. Say I'm in the NSA and I'm doen real good and a code lands on my desk they ask me to crack and no one else can crack it. So I take a stab at it and I crack it, and I feel real good because I'm doen my job, right? Well, suppose that code I cracked was the position of some rebel army hiding out and they decide to bomb the village they're staying in to kill the rebels, killing hundreds of innocent people I had never meet or have any problem with. Then the polititians get on saying 'send in the Marines to secure the area' because it ain't their kid getting shot at and it wasn't them either pullin a tour when they were picken numbers. So then my buddy in the Mariens is sent to the village and gets shrapnel in leg from a bomb and is sent home. But, while he was over there his job lays him off and ships it overseas to the very village he's at where the same person who bombed him gets his job because he's willing to work for a quarter a day and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile, they decide to ship the oil from that village over, which was really the reason we bombed there in the first place, and say the skipper of the tanker likes to drink martini's or something and play salom between the icebergs and he hits one spilling tons of crude oil into the Atlantic. Now my buddy gets back and he can't get a job because of his disabilitly and now cronic hemroides he got from the third-world $^!# jungle. He has to sell his car for money which means he was to walk to his job interviews which sucks because of the shrapnel in his arse. And he's broke which means the only food he can get is the Blue Plate Special; trout with Quaker State. So I figure, why go through the trouble? Hell, I could just bomb a village, club a baby seal, shoot my friend in the arse and give his job to his sworn enemy, and cause on economic melt-down. $^!#, I could be elected President."

-Best line ever, from the movie Good Will Hunting.

Last but not least;

"It's hard work."

-our President, George W. Bush


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