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I like how everyone had something negative to say about this particular Z, yet another member who posted pics of his Z, with his new Watanabes, with the stretched tire look had gotten nothing but great high praise comments on how well his wheel selection looked.

Hmmm talk about hypocritical!!

I do have to agree though that you should have said, in my opinion the best looking Z ever, but that is about it, as most should have realised that is was that authors opinion on the car.

Me personally I do like it, I think it looks great. It is all about what tastes we have and what we invision as our perfect Z car.

I like how everyone had something negative to say about this particular Z, yet another member who posted pics of his Z, with his new Watanabes, with the stretched tire look had gotten nothing but great high praise comments on how well his wheel selection looked.

Hmmm talk about hypocritical!!

I understand the point you're making, but I think it really matters what the context is. In the case of the guy with the Watanabes all he said was words to the effect of "see what I just did for my Z". In that context most people on this board are pretty supportive and complimentary, even if his car overall might not be to their taste.

In this case the context is the "the best looking 240z period". In that context you're going to get a lot of people nit picking because there are some pretty awsome other Zs that have been shown here.

Another example of context would be to compare a Z to an original Porsche Spyder or an MGA. Do that and the Z looks pretty big. But compare the Z to a Hummer and it looks pretty small. It's not hypocritical to call the Z big in one case and small in the other. It's the same Z both times.

As others before me have suggested, perhaps he could have said "... here's one of my favorite Zs ..."

  • 2 weeks later...

To each his own.

Aside from the cosmetic flaws, which actually preclude it from being named 'best' at any show with the exception of 'Daily Driver', at best, it's one of MANY exceptional Z cars on this site.

To me, it looks like it was put together by someone with a touch of schizophrenia. There doesn't 'appear' to be any theme or pattern. It appears to be just a mish-mash of different parts bolted together. Of course, it could be the realization of his vision. Who am I to judge... Unless someone asks me too! :D

I definitely don't like the Z31 turbo hood scoop grafted on. It reminds me of the crazy Z car mods from the late 70's and early 80's, much like the ricer Honda's today but on a different canvas. I think it would exacerbate the over-abundance of positive pressure already under the hood on these cars.

He better hope he never get's familiar with a curb or those wheels will be in serious need of repair. Unless the tires are riveted to the wheel, I'd be nervous they would break the bead and come off the rim under any kind of lateral load. The contact patch doesn't take advantage of the wheel width and the statement about the stretched sidewall making for a stiffer sidewall is dubious at best. I guarantee, you will never see that setup on any car at the SCCA Solo Nat's or Pro Racing where the tires are NOT regulated beyond requiring DOT approval for those in the 'Stock' classes. A properly designed racing tire, DOT approved or not, will provide exceptional tire wall rigidity while maximizing road holding and turn-in capability.

Now, Ron's car on the other hand... Has a theme and a truly beautiful pattern based on the original roots of Z car racing. If I'm not mistaken, correct me if I am Ron, both Peter Brock and John Morton personally approved of the finished product. You've put your heart and soul into that car (well, Les' too!) although, I think one of you sold your's to get your hands on some of that original gear so there may have only been one soul left between the two of you to go into the car! :eek:

Not to poo-poo these 'beautiful' cars, but a replica, even the best is still just the realization of someone else's original vision. I'm 'restoring' a car of a somewhat lesser, but to me, just as important ilk. Although, I am taking a little editorial license to 'modernize' it to some extent. Back in 1985, it ran 12.70's on an open diff and street tire(s). WooHoo!

I have one that is going to be a pure restoration with the exception of a 5 speed tranny (have you seen gas prices lately?) and another one that's going to be a crazy RB powered 700/800 hp beast.

I think the previous statment about context was the most important. Think about the context before throwing something out on the keyboard and you'll end up with support as opposed to slander! :dead:

Remember, modesty is a virtue and this group has no shortage of vociferous opinions! :stupid:


Now, Ron's car on the other hand... Has a theme and a truly beautiful pattern based on the original roots of Z car racing. If I'm not mistaken, correct me if I am Ron, both Peter Brock and John Morton personally approved of the finished product. You've put your heart and soul into that car (well, Les' too!) although, I think one of you sold your's to get your hands on some of that original gear so there may have only been one soul left between the two of you to go into the car!

No soul selling...a lot of hand wringing, sweating and big checks...budget...what budget :) All in all it was a lot of fun finding all the parts to build my Z.

Thanks for your kind words.

He better hope he never get's familiar with a curb or those wheels will be in serious need of repair. Unless the tires are riveted to the wheel, I'd be nervous they would break the bead and come off the rim under any kind of lateral load. The contact patch doesn't take advantage of the wheel width and the statement about the stretched sidewall making for a stiffer sidewall is dubious at best. I guarantee, you will never see that setup on any car at the SCCA Solo Nat's or Pro Racing where the tires are NOT regulated beyond requiring DOT approval for those in the 'Stock' classes. A properly designed racing tire, DOT approved or not, will provide exceptional tire wall rigidity while maximizing road holding and turn-in capability.

If your hitting curbs, u got serious problems...



Wow look at those tires!!! seriously retarded and will not handle high speed cornering.. ROFL

seriously tho, its a nice car.. alot different from teh usual knock off cheapo Konig rims or v8 swapped or ferrari wannabe Zs in the US.

Which car are you talking about? The SCCN ZG or the grey 240z that you started this thread about?

The car that you posted pictures of that you think is the best looking S30 ever is very loosly Japanese styled. It most definately does not have period correct modifications aside from the flairs and spoiler. I hope you can see that with all of the insults that you are making about other peoples cars. Your demeaner is not going to change anyones opinion. Why don't you buy a Z, style it how you want, to show your opinion through your car. BTW, there are not many v8 Z's and Ferrari wannabes here. Even if there are, you have no right to preach to them. Most of us are car enthusiasts of all sorts and styles, hopefully such as yourself. I am an enthusiast of the home market cars and Japanese style like you, but I am not going to shove my opinion down other peoples throats. I am not saying you cann't voice your opinion, but try to be a little more curtious, and at times, try to keep your mouth shut like I do.

Stretched tires are not period correct. The tires on the SCCN ZG are not stretched.

I am not trying to make enemies with you. I am just trying to offer some advice. Whether it is good advice, that is up to you to decide.


p.s. You would be surprized how many people like the JDM style.

seriously tho, its a nice car.. alot different from teh usual knock off cheapo Konig rims or v8 swapped or ferrari wannabe Zs in the US.

Jeeze dude, take it down a few notches...

Your slamming good people on this site at every turn....at the moment you are about one tick away from making it onto my ignore list....

Relax, THINK and then say something nice.

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