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Dashboard stuff on 2Fast/2Furious cars

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2Fast/2Furious was on TV recently, and I watched most of it. I noticed they had a video screen on the one car the cop-guy was driving? Action went too fast to get a good look.

Did anybody get a good look at what all there was on those cars?


The first shot of the dash was in the beginning race thing. Thre girl with the pink convertable (Suki) had a monitor that has a characature of herself with her name (real useful while racing).

There was a shot of the screen with some bargraphs showing engine stats while the forked thing- ESD, "Electrical System Disabler" was zapping the car (helicopter chase scene near the end).

Just movie crap. Some CG company gets paid to make a video they can play on the screen to make it look like somethings happening. Same as in movies when the actor is using a computer. The randomly press buttons on the keyboard, never press enter, and the the screen keeps changing like they are actually going something. Swordfish is a good example of how crap and unrealistic it looks.

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